Dopefest at Persephone's House: The Official Thread

Can I stop and get chips? Doritos? Pretzels?

Got chips & pretzels already, my friend. But if you’d like to bring some dip & salsa, that’d be okay! Let me know if it’s a problem, though–I’m going to the store tonight for the beer, and I was going to get some dip anyway. :smiley:

My idea was to bring something non-perishable, seeing how it’s more than a three-hour drive for me.

I’ll bring a jar of salsa, but you might wanna get the chip dip.

Works for me, Milo! :slight_smile:

Just giving this a bump to remind everyone that the party is today, and I’m looking forward to meeting all of you!

Now I’ve got to go start doing that frantic last-minute oh-Goddess-I’ve-got-to-clean-everything-in-sight-so-they-don’t-actually-believe-that-I-really-do-live-in-a-pigpen-even-though-I-actually-do…

lmao Cristi…wanna borrom my other daughter to watch the kids whilst you hustle? <g>

btw, I finished parboiling the ribs and mixed up some special BBQ sauce which I will also bring. If you can think of ANYTHING else you might nedd, ginne a call. Oh yeah, I’m also gonna bring a couple of camp chairs just in case.

See ya in a couple hours. :slight_smile: