Dopefest: Please come to my place in South Carolina to watch the Eclipse

I am throwing a garden party to watch the upcoming eclipse. It will pass directly over my home in Moncks Corner, SC on August 21.

When: August 21, 2017 Noon to 6PM
Where: Moncks Corner, SC
Eclipse Begins: 1:16:19PM
Totality: 2:24:03PM

Please send me a private message for the specific address and directions.

I will provide food, drink - adult and otherwise - as well as entertainment and a jump castle for any kids you might wish to bring. Should you wish to bring anything, I’d love to see what you provide.

Only some of you will remember the garden parties I used to throw when I lived in Northern Virginia. I think at one we had upwards of 200 people there. I get a kick out of these and hope to see you fine people so we can make noise and scare the sky dragon into letting the sun go!

And, lest we forget: Real Life Meeting of Members

Shoot, if I didn’t already have plans for the viewing I’d come. I miss Dopefests.I’m just outside totality in Kansas, will drive north with family and friends into Nebraska to meet up with another group of same, probably either in Auburn or Beatrice.

Will come if I can get a ride. Is there a place to stay?

There are a few nearby, certainly. Drop me a line and I’ll send you a list.

You are in a perfect place. I have friends in Lexington SC and they’re in a perfect spot, too. Thanks for the invite and it’d be great to join you, but I’ll be driving 750 miles north to Idaho from San Francisco and already have a place to stay. Moncks Corner is 2,700 miles from me, so that’s a bit of a drive. Have fun with your gathering, Jonathan, and I look forward to comparing notes on this phenominal and rare event!

That sounds great, but I’m going to have to pass and check out the eclipse in Oregon instead.

Is there an Oregon dopefest viewing planned?

Hmmm, I could drive 100 miles North to Tennessee and see it or drive 750 miles and a couple of hotel nights to see it with friends…let me ponder a bit…

I’m also in Oregon and plan on viewing the eclipse.

My (very tentative) plan right now is to drive north to Albany and then head west into the mountains. Maybe go as far as Falls City. Normally all the mountain roads past there would be all but deserted, but the influx of eclipse seekers is supposed to be massive—OPB, I think, estimated that there would be close to 1MM visitors to the state that weekend for the eclipse. This article states that Madras, a town of 7K people in the absolute middle of nowhere (several hours of travel on a 2-lane roads from Portland or Eugene) is expecting 70K visitors. My plan was to head an hour or so into the mountains and find a deserted spot with a good view of the sky and sit back and enjoy.

But with that many people coming I don’t know how smart my plan is. My big concern is traffic. I could go up the day (or two) before and find a good camping spot, but as soon as the eclipse is over those 1,000,000 people will be heading back to wherever they came from, which make Thanksgiving eve traffic look tame in comparison.

So if any other Oregon dopers have a better idea (and would like to get together), I’m all ears.

Hmmm…flights are around $400, and I’d have to drive all the way down to Missouri instead…

Join us join us!

Alas, it’s a work day, and according to Google Maps, it’s more than 8 hours from my house. Much as I’d love to attend, it won’t happen…

If you can delay the eclipse by five weeks, I’m already gonna be on the Outer Banks of NC and would love to show up.


You know that all three school districts here in Charleston are shutting down for it? How awesome is that?

And I’m closing my branch for the day. Sending everyone home or to my place. Make it so!

We’ll be in Charleston for this, so we’ll certainly consider it!

Hi JC, I just gave you a plug at the Bakers Dozen thread game, here:

I hope you get some takers.

May I hijack for a question about Charleston and the NC/SC coast? I assume since it’s down South that it is warm a lot longer and I can tour there into October/November and everything is still open? Is the ocean warm then?

Dumb questions but my last trip was Maine in April and it was still only partly open and the ocean was cold. :slight_smile:

From when I lived there, I’d say Charleston in January/February is what you experienced in Maine in April. It’ll be chilly but not freezing. The beach-oriented areas (Folly Beach, IOP) may have fewer open bars, etc; but Charleston itself is always interesting.

This sounds great! But I’m curious what you plan to do if it’s completely overcast where you live. Also, are there really still some places to stay that are not sold out or charging an exorbitant price?

I’m in Albany, Oregon and started a thread about having a Dopefest at my house for the eclipse. PM me if you are interested. Telescopes and eclipse glasses included.

Thank you for the reminder that I need to order my eclipse glasses! Demand and prices will rise, I’m sure.