I got my new puppy last week. His name is Walter and he’s about 13 weeks. He is a pure American Pitbull breed for fighting. He and his sister were saved from the backyard breeder. The breeder is your standard lowlife scumbag who was planning on cutting their ears and tail off and get them ring ready.
That isn’t going to happen now.
Walter, the pup, was rescued and then fostered for a few weeks until a permanent home was found. The team that rescued him is very picky about who they give their animals to. The last thing they want is to place their dogs in a situation where they have to go rescue them again - or place them with someone who will give the breed a bad name.
So far he’s been a great pup. He’s not a chewer so I think my shoes are safe. He does like to lick though (which drives me nuts).
You can tell he was breed for fighting. The way he quietly sneaks up on the cats and gently licks their head. Oh sure, seems innocent enough but I know he’s just tasting them.
We have an unknown mix who licks obsessively. My mom keeps saying she’s going to get us the “Beware - dog can’t hold its licker” welcome mat one of these days.
Adorable! I helped raise my ex-roommate’s pit bull; she also likes to lick, especially on the mouth. Eew. But I forgive her, 'cause she is one of the sweetest dogs I know!
Awwwww! I’ve seen a couple of very licky pitbulls. One lives in my neighborhood now, and sometimes I get to pet her (and get licked by her) while I’m waiting for the bus in the morning. I love dog kisses.
hugabull, indeed >^.^<
I have a friend with two pitbulls.
They are <3 Total LoveMuffins <3
The more I know them, the more I am amazed that anyone would make such loving dogs fight in the first place!:smack:
I had a friend who had a very licky, lovey pitbull. Doggie just loooooooved people, and you were only in danger of drowning in dog drool from him, I think. Once I was sitting on the couch, dawg sitting next to me, who proceeded to look over at his master, scooch a little closer when no “stop it” command came, look over, scooch closer, crane head towards mine, look, until he finally got close enough to lick my cheek; the squeal from me and barely-serious ‘rebuke’ from his owner only mildly deflated the dog’s happiness.
Hugabull is the organization which does the rescue. A great bunch of dedicated, underfunded, people.
I don’t get dog fighting, cock fighting, bull fighting, rodeos, or any of those “sports”. Pit bull fighting is very strange considering how nice these animals are. And pit bull puppies are so cute I just don’t get how someone could look at them and say “I’m going to tie this little guy up to the fence and let my bad mean older dog chew it up.” It’s a total disconnect for me. I can’t even attempt to understand the enjoyment of it.
In the OP I love all the pictures, but I think #4 is the best. Ah, that’s the life, kickin’ back on the couch, watching my servant take pictures and getting my meals ready.