Doper with the least daylight?

I checked Seattle on a map the other day and it’s about level with the border between German and Switzerland, which would make it very South on my scale.

In Stockholm we had no summer at all this year. Someone commented the other week that “Today is warmer than it was in June”.

IME, a nookie - whether quick or slow - doesn’t enhance my “standing”. Usually, it’ll reduce my “standing”. At least temporarily :smiley:

The Canadian version of that joke (sort of) - “We have two seasons - winter and construction.” :slight_smile:

Sunny winter days does make a huge difference - I can put more layers on when it’s cold and sunny, but I can’t make the sun come out.

Did you not line up for your spoonful of cod liver oil in the winter?

These days, I get into my office before it’s light out, and I leave after the sun has set. I don’t have any windows, so see no daylight at work.

So I figure I’m in the running.

Hello, vitamin D supplements!

Check out Svalbard. The sun set sometime in Aug. and will rise in May.

Today in Montreal it rose at 7:18 and set at 4:11. It will set at 4:11 for the next week or so, but before the end of the year it will rise at 7:34 and do that for a couple weeks, while the sunset time will gradually get later. Today was 1’20’’ shorter than yesterday.

Has my brain hit a bad sector, or are you seriously saying that daylight in Hammerfest/Tromsø lasts for 11 months?

Sunset = November
Sunrise = January

That’s two (very long, very depressing) months, even using new math.

On the plus side, the kids get a day off school when the sun comes up.

Thank you, I know I was a bit unclear. And the situation is, of course, reversed in Summer with two months of sunshine (when it isn’t raining).

This is a simplification, but the idea is correct.

Emphasis mine. And not very likely, unless you’re more than average lucky.

The version I’ve heard is that we do have four seasons up here in northern canada, there’s almost winter, winter, still fucking winter, and construction. :slight_smile:

That works, too - still fucking winter would be the last snowstorm we get in March or April. :slight_smile:

I once heard a complaint from an African student in Sweden that we only have two seasons: The White Winter and the Green Winter.

I’m in the middle of the US, so nothing to complain about here (except, you know, that I still wished we had more sunlight).

But just FYI, here’s a few I looked up:
Fairbanks Alaska 10:35 AM 2:49 PM 4h 14m 36s
Whitehorse (Yukon, Canada) 9:52 AM 3:50 PM 5h 57m 51s
Resolute, Cornwallis Island, Nunavut, Canada Down all day
Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway Down all day

But the largest one is Murmansk, Murmansk Oblast, Russia with 336,137 residents sitting in complete darkness today.

And for comparison

Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina 4:53 AM 9:57 PM 17h 04m 51s which is the second southernmost city before you get to Antarctica.