Dopers, help me pick a wedding dress!

Knowing Tripler, there will be beer.

As it happens, Gingy, Tripler and I had a long talk and at the end of it, we both decided it was time for him to put away his ‘childish things’ and beer was one of them.

It wasn’t easy, and he’s taking, as they say, ‘one day at a time’.
There won’t be any beer, wine, etc.

Yeah, I’m totally lying. Of course there’ll be beer!! And hard ciders too.

Yeah, you totally didn’t get me. Nice try, though.


I just bought a wedding dress for my wedding in July. My advice is, once you find the dress, check ebay before you buy it. I found my dress for less than half price on ebay - after I had already bought and paid for it. :frowning:

I talked to the seamstress today and asked her if she had a preference between making a dress or altering one I bought and she doesn’t. I think I may wind up buying one from houseofbrides, I just need to get good measurements. I’ll be dropping in to the dress store tomorrow to try some on.

I’ve really enjoyed this thread so far, it’s like being in the shop w/ my girlfriends! You all have great suggestions and nice things to say.

Did anyone here get an amazing deal on their dress?

I designed my dress and had it made by a tailor shop for about $250 including fabric. I’d say that’s an amazing deal!

Alright, let me give you a quick update - through the aforementioned website, I ordered this dress; time’s a wastin’ and I have to get something in the closet before long. It may or may not be The Dress, I have another I want to check out. Either way, for the price it’s hard to beat and I think it’d sell pretty easily if I wind up not using it.
This was a fun thread and I wish we could all have mobbed a dress store one day!

Very pretty, and you can easily “make it yours” with accesories. Good catch! :smiley:

I love it! Such a classic. And, if you’re like me and more practical than sentimental, it can be dyed later for a great formal dress, or the bodice paired with a different skirt for a whole different look. Or, for the sentimental type, it can be stored for your daughter or niece or some other important girl in your life, 'cause it’s not a trendy decade-specific look.

Jeezopete, I don’t check on the boards for a bit, and people are picking out WEDDING DRESSES, for pete’s sake!

Congratulations, Nawth Chucka!!!

Hey, if you need a “something borrowed” item and you want to cover your shoulders, I could lend you the lace shawl I knitted to wear at my wedding. Another pic (it’s huge). It successfully covered my fat arms and shoulders. :stuck_out_tongue: And there’s no bad karma associated with it, as far as I know. :slight_smile:

WOW! That shawl is quite lovely and big. It must have taken you forever. I appreciate the offer but I think I’ll be more than warm enough in Charleson on an August afternoon. Also, knowing my klutziness I’d find some way to accidentally set it on fire or make it explode.
Now, the accessories…do I wear the most complementary jewelry I have or the most meaningful? Or does it matter?
Clearly, pearls would match the dress I have so far best, but I have a silver locket Tripler gave me for Christmas that’s monogrammed, and that will be the last day I have those initials. I also have a pretty white gold necklace which matches not only my engagement ring but another ring I have had for years - but the necklace itself is from an ex-bf.
I will **not ** be wearing a tiara or crown of any kind. I’m going to ask a cousin of Tripler’s to make me a hair wreath, as she’s in floral design.

I think the locket would be lovely with that. Do you have a gauzey wrap for your shoulders? What shoes do you have to go with it?

I’m going to wait to see how long the dress is before I get shoes, I want it to touch my feet or longer. Won’t be heels, that’s for sure.
No wrap at all, it should be around 85 degrees on the Peninsula.

Where the HECK is the fun in that? I was hoping for one of these thingies, personally…

That is a beautiful dress, and I’m with WhyNot - you could always dye it if you decide not to use it for your wedding.

You might want to have some sort of very light wrap just for a bit of difference in the photos.

I didn’t really have a “wedding”; we got married in the courthouse. So this is fun!

I was thinking of something like this, when I said “wrap” btw. If you say it’s too hot even for that, I’ll believe you though. :slight_smile:

Maybe if I was marrying King Ralph…

I’ve never been any good at keeping wraps up, dunno why. I’ve tried to wear shawls and stoles and wraps of various kinds - can’t keep them on. I wind up wadding them up in a ball and carrying them around before leaving them in the back seat of some car or 'nother.
I’d wear a little jacket before I’d worry about wrestling with a wrap for the duration of the day.

That Amazon lady looks angry…why does the shawl make her unhappy??

Heh, maybe she wanted to wear the red scarf and they wouldn’t let her? ETA: She’s smiling in two of the pictures with the black scarf. Maybe she just thought the brown wrap was ugly?

She’s probably mad about looking like Celine Dion.

snirk :smiley: Maybe!