Dopers You Talk To On The Phone

Oh… I just remembered, I did talk to Nocturne and n0sfra2(sp?) on the phone once.


I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with Supe as well. He’s a sweetie. :smiley:

Other than that, I rely pretty much on email and ICQ (have had quite a few pleasant chats with Osip over ICQ).

Anyone wanna call me? :slight_smile:


Dopers I’ve spoken with on the phone -

Joey Hemlock

None of the conversations were long, not chatty so much as a quick “Hey” or “Happy Birthday” or “Where are we supposed to meet?”.

I used to talk to Quix fairly often. He never calls me anymore though. :frowning:

I also used to talk to Caldazar all the time. Damn near every night from 8 until one of us finally said, “Okay, shut up now. I’m tired.” We stopped that some time ago for no particular reason. Maybe I’ll call him tonight.

I’ve talked to Mr. Cynical quite a few times. I don’t think we ever talked for hours though. Maybe just one. One and a half, tops. :slight_smile: Garfield_226 fits in this category, too.

I’ve also talked to Crunchy Frog, but just once I think. And Valerie Blaise. She’s HILARIOUS! And I have a million doper phone numbers, most of which I got because they wanted to offer support when my mom was sick, but I haven’t talked to nearly as many as I want to.

But I don’t talk to anyone anymore.

I talk to palve alot, but then again I got him hooked on the sdmb long after I met him… so I guess that doesn’t count.

There is only one Doper that I have “marathon phone” with. We have missed one phone conversaton since the end of December, beginning of January. My first phone bill was unreal. Definately worth every minute and every penny.

He lives in EST and I live in PST, thank god he works nights because I can’t have him falling asleep on me.

He needs to move here, NOW!

I do have a another Doper friend that lives close to me that I have know for years. We talk on the phone occasionally.

I’ve spent quite a bit of time on the phone with Sophie and also talked to her husband. They’re both swell folks.


This is interesting. I am actually pretty big with phone usage. Especially when I’m plastered and alone in the house. Then I tend to call everyone I know to chat. :slight_smile:

Dopers, though, usually like to talk IM so much more. I IM with Supes about every other night, but I don’t really have anyone else’s screen names, and it’s kinda rude to IM someone out of the blue.

The only Dopers I have ever spoken with on the phone are my good friends CajunMan and DrMatrix.

Even that wasn’t for long, though.

It’s annoying in a way, because none of our friends ever call. They live two hours away and treat us like we don’t exist. [cursing]

Besides, setting up great IRL meetings is the way to go for me anyway. I love getting together with folks for the real thing far beyond crappy computer-speaking.

Dopers I’ve talked to on the phone…hmmm…

**blur, Crunchy Frog,TwistofFate, iampunha, UncleBill, MrCynical, robgruver, DynoSaur, True Pisces, MamaHen, lel, Verrain, JavaMaven and Techchick. **

Briefly, tiggeril, JoeyHemlock and Nymysys.

Some weird guy keeps calling me.

I got to talk to several Dopers during MobileDope thru the midwest, but my off-board comms are preffy much limited to IMs and pretty much with just Zappo and Cartooniverse. No one else has ever IM’d me.

I’m not a big phone fan anyway - it’s always too noisy here to talk properly.

The only Dopers I have ever talked to on the phone at all have been:



Superdude (when we were in NYC and it wasn’t even my phone)

Fiver (at DragonCon when we were trying to find people)

:o (yawn) Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Huh? Oh, sorry, did you say something?

I talk to one Doper regularly, and what a coincidence! It’s Mauvaise. The conversations can be quite lengthy, ending when a) I become cranky, b) my ear goes numb, or c) both. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve talked to most of the DFW dopers on the phone. Lord Jim is my drive home from work buddy. If I’m stuck in traffic or just want to talk, I give him a call and we talk my whole way home. I also talk to Aglarond and we’ve spent hours on the phone. I think he had to change his rate plan because we talk so much.

I don’t even want to think about how much money I’ve spent on the phone with Shayna. I don’t think she really counts though since I knew her before joining the SDMB.

I talk to Shibb & Zap, and a few times I’ve talked to Cap’n Crude, Superdude and Osip. I’ve spoken with Rue once or twice and FairyChatMom once.

As Grace said, I talk with her a few times a week on her way to anywhere.
I spend a lot of online time with purrplebear and we continue a lot of conversations to the phone if she is away from the computer, plus as with Grace, she calls me when stuck in traffic or just on the road and wants to talk.
I’ve also talked with Scotticher several times, since we spend a lot of time online talking, it is usually when I’m away for a while or something rather urgent comes up.
I’ve talked with Zyada several times. It’s usually coordinating things. She hangs up on me when I say “Hi, Zee”, but she calls right back, so that’s ok.
I’ve talked with several other of the DFW Family when trying to make some arrangements of one sort or another.


I talk with Driftwood. That’s it.

On my cell at the so called “Quiet ChiDope” :slight_smile:

Heyyy, Shibb & Zap. . .I like it! We sound like a comedy team.

“Oh Mr. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiib…do you know what happens when you guh-hey zaHOY with the nice laaaaaady and the music and the dancing and all the guhahahoyyyyy and the nice food and the moonlight and the hummmmmmm?”
I didn’t know we could count folks we IM with. That ups the count to include MsRobyn, Airman Doors, Ellen & FairyChatMom too.

Zap! (no Shibb)

I used to talk to Juniper a lot, Nymysys, too.

I’ve spoken to Ginger, Quix, Persephone, bobkitty, sophie, slackergirl, lno (for a superbowl taunting,)** techchick, superdude, Satan & Drain Bead…** and that’s about it.

Nobody too much or too often, I’m not much of a phone person.