Dopers You Talk To On The Phone

Funny thing is, I’m not much of a phone person, either. I don’t really actively make a lot of calls. I’m making more since I’ve discovered the joy of Sam’s Club 1000 minute phone cards, though!


Let’s see…

I’ve talked to a ton of dopers, but I’m not sure who how many times, so I’ll just list the onesI can remember:
(and not just the time the phone was passed at the “Quiet” ChiDope - I don’t think she remembers that too well :wink: we talked for a bit when I called her at a friend’s house one night)
Kyla** (I think)**

That’s all I can remember for now. There may be more on the list because when it became apparent I was going to get laid off, I began to abuse company assets and invite Dopers to call my 800 number at work and I’d get a conference call going. :smiley:
That happened about 3 or 4 times, would last for a few hours at a time and I really don’t remember who called in when because callers would come and go.

Let’s see, other than hardygrrl and Crunchyfrog, I’ve talked to SapphireBullet and tracer ALOT on the phone. I’ve also had the pleasure of talking to Nen (dayum that man has a hot voice) Dynosaur, _lel, Malkavia, JoeyHemlock Ad_Noctum ( he talked to me til I got wet…I took a bath), Odieman and Snoooop. I love talking to people on the phone. It makes me happy. Being a SAHM means I don’t get to talk to alot of adults and it’s nice to have friends to call or who call to talk to me :wink:

Yes, I do talk to pipefitter when I can on the phone. Mostly we talk online because of the time difference and how early he gets up for work most days. He and his fiancee had to move on Sat, but at least they were able to find another house to rent. Soon he’ll have his own phone, and I can surprise him with a phone call or two. :wink:

Yep, yep! What can I say? M’** Lord Jim** is very easy to talk with, and always makes me smile. Lately we’ve been talking a lot about plants, and my daughter, Bluebear thinks some of my comments are quite hilarious for some unknown reason. :stuck_out_tongue:

Other dopers I’ve talked to on the phone are Crunchy Frog (though it’s been a while), and Scotti, though those have been too infrequent and of short duration mostly, pf doesn’t really count, since we go back 22 yrs, and Vestal Blue I talk with when I can, but we go back 27 yrs. I spent one very interesting evening talking with techie. I’m sure I’m forgetting someone(s), but I don’t mean to.

The dopers I’d love to talk more with on the phone? It’s a HUGE list. :smiley:

I’ve only chatted with one, and the few times we talked, it was under 10 minutes. I have come to realize that I am not really a phone person. I thinking working at a helpdesk for many years has had an adverse effect on my phone useage (not that that is a bad thing)

Working there also helped me get my sig.:eek:


Seems I’m going to have to work harder to make my phone conversations more memorable.

Actually, now that I’ve got more spare time than I actually want, I should be able to re-connect with my Doper friends. And I’d try out this new-fangled “chat” thingummy, if I could get my fingers to work as fast as my mouth.

[sup]Yeah, if I could get my fingers to work as fast as my mouth, I bet THEN I’d be memorable.-[/sup] :wink:

I am pretty much anti-phone too, so my list is very short.
Hama, as previously mentioned.
hardygrrl, though I was at CrunchyFrog’s house at the time.
Weirddave, he is very good about calling often and is a sweetheart.
CrunchyFrog, and even had a three-way with him and MamaHen one night. Gotta love those conference calls at least until my phone’s battery died.
Why does so much of my fun always end when the batteries die? :stuck_out_tongue:

Darlin’, you already ARE memorable! :wink:

[sub]So much for the no flirting thing, huh?[/sub]

The only person I talk to on a regular basis is Airman. Everyone else gets me via chat or AIM.


Lessee, I’ve talked to MamaHen, Maeglin, Crunchy Frog, Mr. Cynical, and Dynosaur.

I’ve also received voicemails (but never actually spoken with) TwistofFate and Jarbabyj.

I’ve spoken to GingeroftheNorth once or twice, but thats about it… and even then I believe they were for specific purposes I think. I am usually a non-phone person unless I have a reason to call.