Downloading files in a cd-burner-friendly way

Sounds dumb. Let me explain.

I like to download articles from the Internet and save them. Later, when I’m backing my system up with my CD burner, Nero tells me that quite a few of these downloaded articles violate the Joliet standard in some way–either the saved file name is too long or I have too many subfiles. Sometimes it’s merely a matter of one of the attached GIF files having a crazy-long name.

What this means for me is that I am forced to go through each of the dozens of newly downloaded files and change something so that each complies with Joliet.

Is their a utility that will automatically download–or automatically convert downloaded files–into a Joliet-friendly way, so that I don’t have to horse with this stuff later when I’m burning a CD?

Hope this makes sense. Thanks.

I’m not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but I’d have thought the best thing to do would be to zip the downloaded files into an archive before you burn them, using Winzip, gzip or whatever you prefer. This will preserve all the filenames internally, whilst giving you an archive you can name with one joliet-compatible filename.

that’s correct. download all your articles. zip the entire saved directory or set of files. write the zip file onto the cd-r.