Doxie Dog. You all know him and Love Him!

To Doxie:
Don’t you dare kick and break your Doggy Daddy’s heart.
You are a strong bad-ass dachshund. You can get through this.
You still have lessons to teach Hickory.
Your dog heaven day will come and you can chase mice to your hearts content. But, not now.
Not like this.
Keep fightin’ old man.

From: Bayliss, Betsy and the 2 Chihuahua shits. And your biggest fan: beck

I am troubled this thread is quiet this morning. Doxie was the first thing I thought of when I woke up today. @Gatopescado, I hope Doxie is hanging in there. Please give us an update when you can.

Well, he’s hanging, but …

He’s eating and drinking. Talked to a vet, and although the Anti-Venom is off the table, I think I need to get him on a steroid treatment. I’m working on that right now.

To Hell with what the wife says, he’s going to the Vet at 2 today. He actually ‘looks’ a little better today, but it just don’t seem right. I owe him better then just Benadryl and a bathtub. Gonna get him on something, if not only to keep him more comfortable while in recovery. My plans are scrapped again, but I don’t care.

He’s going to get a brand-new blanket for the ride to town, and He’ll get to keep it when he gets home. Actually, this is really for me. I can’t handle the stink of his current blanket.

He’s in a box watching TV with me in the house now. Seems comfortable, and is sleeping.

Good dog, Doxie.

Good human, Gatopescado.

Good news all around. Glad he’s going to the vet. Pain management will be important to his healing process, and while he’s probably out of the woods, the more you can do to ease his recovery, the better.

Go, Doxie, and well done, Gato. You both deserve a new blanket.

Yay!! I’m happy he’s hanging in.

Not really. Should not have never allowed this to happen. I completely blame myself. All I had to do was grab him by the collar and haul him to the Jeep. The other 4 dogs backed off and were out of danger. And I should have had him at the vet’s door yesterday morning, waiting for them to open.

So, Bad Human! Bad!

I’ll keep thinking good thoughts for him.

Don’t beat yourself up over this. It doesn’t always make any difference.

I spent thousands on the vet at the end of my beloved dachshund’s life last February, trying to find out what was wrong with him. He died very unexpectedly while in the care of the vet for yet another test. I am still heartbroken over it, that he died without me being there at the moment he needed me most.

Being with you is the most important thing for Doxie.

Sending you guys thoughts of love and good luck.

This. Especially the human, good work human. Remember this: Being with you is the most important thing for Doxie.

And hang in there, good dog. Help is coming.

We’re back. Doxie enjoyed the ride. Dr. wasn’t too impressed with the injury (to be honest, he looked 100 times better than he did this morning. Swelling has gone down, eyes are much clearer). He thinks there is still blood flowing to the hard, crispy ear, but says we need to keep an eye on it.

Got him more drugs than backstage at a Motley Crue concerrt. We start on those, and hope to speed the recovery.

His attitude and demeanor are pretty good, unless it was all an act for the vet. But I need to sneak away when I take the rest of the crew out this afternoon. He’ll want to go, and I ain’t taking him (yet). Maybe in a few days…

Thank you all for the nice thoughts. I pledge to not let this happen to any of The Crew again. I blew that whole scene, Baby.

Hope you and the crew enjoyed the outing.

Bet the Dox was glad to see you all when you got back.

Oh, we haven’t gone yet. I’m gonna see if Big D will go to sleep, then me and the rascals can hit it.

I’m glad to hear he’s been to the vet and seems to be on the upswing! Still sending good vibes for a full recovery.

Best of luck to you man, glad he seems a tad better.

Me too!

I learned that when my kitties came back from the vets with a bag full of medicines I needed to

  1. Make a chart of meds and and time of day to give them. Couldn’t keep it straight otherwise.

  2. Have a system for checking off that I had given the. A list to check off or the pills in a pill planner, something to keep track. Turned the bottle upside down after I gave it that, whatever little memory jog that worked.

The older I got the more I needed to do this. Somehow I could be the charge nurse
for 48 patients for 12 hours and do fine. 3 meds for 2 cats twice a day?-nope-needed a system to protect the little beasties.

I’m glad to hear that the old man is recovering!