[Dr. Horrible] Something new from Joss Whedon, Nathan Fillion & Neil Patrick Harris

yup, the site really has been hammered - so much so that it’s offline right now, but should be up again soon. Keep an eye on the fan site http://doctorhorrible.net for details

You know naked Mal is in the episode itself, not just the outtake reel, right?

Note that Felica Day (female lead who was also potential slayer Vi on Buffy)
is also on “The Guild” http://www.watchtheguild.com/ - I watched the 1st episode and liked it enough to try some more.


Hulu’s servers to the rescue. It’s back up.

The site has been moved to a new server - people will be able to access it over the next few hours as their DNS catches up

Back up my ass! I haven’t been able to get the page to load at all. Or do I need to try it from hulu.com?

ETA: Went to hulu.com as well and I didn’t see it listed anywhere. :frowning:

Try this: http://www.drhorrible.com/act_I.html

I think you actually need the WWW in the address.

(I haven’t seen it on Huilu itself, either.)

Still no joy. :frowning:

Working fine, now.

If you visited the site while it was down, it may take some time for your computer/ISP to catch up with the DNS for the new server location - there are ways around it but they’re complicated. If you are patient it’ll work soon enough on it’s own. If you’re really impatient, you can purchase it through iTunes - costs something like $4 if you want to buy the current plus the two future episodes or less for just the one

Two words: Awe. Some.

I love that Joss has single handedly destroyed the internet with this - ok, maybe that is hyperbole, but still - it’s a good sign. Even whedonesque, which frequently goes down, posted this:

Edit: fixed quote tags*

Yeah, I wound up editing my hosts file. That worked, finally.

And yes. Very much fun. I like the lo-fi feel. Really “handmade.” The hero entrance toward the end is hysterical. :smiley:

Dangit! I was able to load it just fine at work, but couldn’t watch more than 30 seconds because of, you know, work. Finally got home, and now I can’t load it. :frowning:

I still haven’t been able to get it to work.

I’m enough of a Whedon fan that I went to iTunes and bought the season pass: I just finished watching episode 1, and I’m hooked! :slight_smile:

I finally got it to work. Find your hosts file on your computer and add this line using a text editor: www.drhorrible.com

i just watched it - it rocked.

And ftr, I am totally a Watch The Guildie . . . .have been since epi 1.


That’s just covered in Awesome Sauce.

At about minute 43 of Trash, available on Hulu.

Not that I’d go looking for that sort of nekkidness :wink: