Dracula's brides (Stoker)

I was listening to a radio serial adaptation of Dracula last night ('tis the season and all that) and got through the bit where Harker is visited by the “brides.” Some questions spring to mind, and it’s been far too long since I read the book.

  1. The adaptation has two brides. I recall there being three. Am I confusing the book with various movie adaptations?

  2. Harker on radio describes how one of the brides places her lips on his throat and how he felt the points of her teeth pressing his skin. However, he was earlier wearing the crucifix the peasant gave him and said it gave him great comfort, so the bride shouldn’t have been able to get near his throat. Did Stoker indicate that Harker removed the crucifix or was this a continuity error on his part (or the adaptor’s part)?

  3. What happened to the brides in the book?

  1. There were three.
  2. Can’t help you with this one.
  3. I thought they died…I thought he killed them? I don’t have a copy of it, but I thought that was the case.

Well, you can see for yourself if you like. IIRC, there were three in the book. Van Helsing cut their heads off near the end of the book.
The part about the crucifix I don’t recall. Harker was wearing it to shave earlier, but he may have fastened it over his bed later, and the scene with the three vampire babes happens outside his bedchamber.


Did you know you linked to Treasure Island? Cool site which I’ve bookmarked, thanks.

This should take you to the correct site. Shodan was off by one author. Great site, though. I’ve bookmarked it, too.