Dragonball Z Abridged

Team Four Star has a YouTube channel and website where they have parodied the Dragonball Z show. I find it to be hilariously funny. So I’ve had some extra time the past couple of days while waiting for some long running programs to finish, so I’ve been re-watching them. Suddenly an episode comes on I had never seen before! Dragonball Z Kai Abriged Season 1. For those who are unaware, the original Dragonball Z had a lot of… uhhh… filler. Well, the Kai series eliminates a lot of the filler. Well, Dragonball Z abridged also removes a lot of filler. So what happens when you get an abridged version of an abridged version?

Answer: Hilarity!

I swear you can watch that one episode and actually know everything you need to know about Season 1 of Dragonball Z!

If you’re a fan, you have to watch it. If you just want to see something funny, you should watch it.

And so this can be a thread, for fans of Dragonball Z Abridged what are some of your favorite lines?

Racoome: “Hey, Racoome was in the middle of a match here.”
Goku: “Sir, I am talking to my son.”
Racoome: “Oh, Racoome apologies. Wait what am I apologizing for? Racoome is going to kill you.”

Racoome: “Racoome will not be ignored”
Goku: “Sir, I am talking to my friend. Vegeta we’re friends right?”
Vegeta: “**** off”
Goku: “The best”

Goku: “Muffin button”
Krillin: “Huh?”
Goku: “What?”

It’s one of my favorite things on the internet. Nearly every line is quotable.