Drain Bead kicked my ass in Scrabble for the second time!

Damn her! She has gotten way too good for her britches! She dropped three bingos on me!!

Anyway, since I know that she is far too modest to do this herself, plus I do want to make sure she gets her due…


I also want to thank all of my previous “victims” for playing! It was fun!!

Yer pal,


I love scrabble

Where do you find this game? Is it an e-mail thing? online? Or do I have to have the software?

I would love to play you a game.

That would be killer.

"Elmo knows where you live! – Elmo, after Homer stiffed PBS for $10,000
If you need a graphic solution, http:\ alk.to\Piglet

I just started up a game with you, dude! Check your e-mail, and it will have downloading instructions… Good luck!

Yer pal,

Awesome scores.

But what’s a QAT?

Two possibilities, Wally.

  1. Qat
    Lesser divinities of Buryan who dwell on the highest mountain peaks http://www.pantheon.org/mythica/articles/q/qat.html

  2. For centuries, khat, (pronounced COT), scientificly known as Catha Edulis, is known by over 40 different street names including, kat, qat, chat, gat, tohai, tschat, and mirraa. http://www.mninter.net/~publish/khat.htm
    (bolding mine)

Thanks, Qat.

I mean, Kat. :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t mind playing a game of Scrabble now and then myself.

My vocabulary has been going downhill of late and I’m a freaking writer, for God’s sake. :slight_smile:
– Sylence.

If a bird doesn’t sing, I’ll wait until it sings.

  • Tokugawa Ieyasu

Et? Er? Ka? Xi? These are real words?

Louie: young guy, possibly a bit green, but smart as paint. - Greg Charles
Have some fun (even though it’s now disabled)

Please, Louie, don’t tempt Satan into pulling out his Scrabble dictionery.


ET: a past tense of EAT
ER: interj-used to express hesitation
KA: n pl. -S the spiritual self of a human being in Egyptial religion
XI: n pl. -S a Greek letter

And the definition I have for teother word:

QAT: n pl. -S Variation of KAT, an evergreed shrub

Yer pal,

Just FTR, I am not an evergreed shrub.

Not what my family calls “Scrabble words” but I have heard of Ka. “Et” is non-standard, and if “Er” is a word, so might be “Umm.”


Get the OSPD (Official Scrabb;e Players Dictionary) for the scoop on what words are good.

It is not the book used in official Scrabble tourneys, however, because M-W bowed to pressure from some groups to eliminate “bad” words from it’s third edition - racial slurs and vulgar phrases like KIKE and FUCK, respectively.

As such, for club and tournament directors, they have an “Official Word List” which tournament and club players use as the official source.

For the Hasbro E-Mail CD-ROM game I play (and the non-e-mail Scrabble game you can buy from Hasbro), the built-in dictionary is exactly what you get in the third edition, which is available in any of your local bookstores.

Oh, an UM is perfectly acceptable! :slight_smile:

I do have the complete word list in an ASCII text file if anyone cares… I shan’t reprint it here though!

Yer pal,

My girl beat me in a close contest recently.

The winning word?


I said, “That is not a freakin’ word!”

She said, “Check the Scrabble dictionary.”

I lost. HM is evidently an interjection, showing thoughtful consideration. Alternatively spelled : HMM.

I hate that book! Ever since we started using it, just about any combination of vowels and consonants can be thrown on the board. Unless, of course, it is I who has thrown down the QAT. In this case, a smirking “Look it up” is very appropriate.

Well, I guess I should of et my words then.

runs for cover, dodging flying vegetables

Louie: young guy, possibly a bit green, but smart as paint. - Greg Charles