
Not insulting at all. What makes her suddenly less intelligent and more out of her depth than than an elderly man, her tits or her vagina? Mayhaps that she isn’t in the kitchen?

The irony, it burns?

Wait a minute! Communism is NOT bad??? Well stick me with a fork!

Where did I say or imply anything of the sort? What kind of idiot are you?

I found this on a search. It is interesting that Sailor here insisted that Hong Kong will be happy and free under Chinese Domination. :rofl: :laughing:

Is this what you were going to link to?

To be fair, sailor wasn’t insisting that Hong Kong would remain without substantial restrictions on freedom indefinitely.

This has stayed with you for eleven years? Man. Dont let it get to you.

Yep-Pointing out that someone that hasn’t posted for seven years was wrong eleven years ago is truly a valid reason to gloat. (insert a thousand :roll_eyes: here).

No, like I said I found it on a search, I had totally forgotten.

And the system automatically made that gloating post all on its own as a result of that search, right?

Riffing on the forum software note to the bump:

[French oceanographer narrator]

:crab: 11 YEARS LATER… :dolphin: :pineapple:


@ Disco Bot is a wonderful and glorious beast!

This is exactly the voice I hear in my head when I see these SpongeBob notations.