Dreams you shouldn't have ignored

Just before I woke up I dreamed that I didn’t go to work today because I was sick. Once I woke up I told myself that I was being silly. I wasn’t sick, I just didn’t feel like going to work because we’re training a project and I’d already suffered through the training once. (today was the training for the people immediately below us. we only had to attend to discuss the minor changes the DOE made since our training on the week before last)

But… as soon as I got to work I found that I couldn’t breathe and needed to use my inhaler. By midday I was light-headed, unreasonably tired, had chills, a headache… Apparently my dream was trying to tell me something: I seem to be coming down with a bug.

Though I don’t believe that dreams can predict the future, I think they’re occasionally useful in this way - they can shed light on things you’re not fully conscious of yet. By eleven I wished I’d stayed home like the dream told me to!

How about you? Have you dreamed something that you regret ignoring later? Or maybe the other way around, did you dream something that you heeded and it turned out better than it might have otherwise?

Once, I dreamed I was at work, and my supervisor was posting the next month’s schedule. I noticed that my schedule ended partway through the month, and said, “Hey, you forgot to finish my schedule.”

My supervisor replied, “No mistake. We’re firing you after that.”

Weirdly enough, a couple of weeks after that dream, I was let go.

When I was in high school (10th grade) there was this girl in Orchestra class that played 2nd violin. I had been in orchestra for 4 years and had no interest in this girl whatsoever. Then one night I had a very VERY nice dream about her.

The next day I went into orchestra class and I was totally smitten with her. It was a total 180 degree turn for me. She went from not even being noticed to being incredibly attractive. What I ignored in my dream was that I should have asked her out. She was never involved with anyone in highschool as far as I knew and looking back she probably would have gone out with me, but I was way too scared at the time to ask.

I always kicked myself for not following my dream’s lead on that one.