Dreamt About Dopers Last Night

This dream happened early this morning, within an hour of getting up at 4:30 AM. I woke up a lot during that hour and had many short dreams. In this particular dream, I was in the hospital, recovering from my third sinus surgery (IRL I’ve had two) and Polycarp called me to say, “Get well!”

Poly’s voice was incredibly mellow and deep, the kind that a DJ playing “slow jams” late at night on the radio would have.

As I said “Your voice is very sexy, Poly!” I woke myself up because I was saying it out loud. But rolled over and fell asleep again immediately.

The next short dream had me leaving the hospital and stopping by OpalCat’s house to help out with the basement (see this thread if you don’t know what I’m talking about). In the dream, we had been friends forever. I think this is because IRL, Opal reminds me of my best friend from high school. I’ve never met Opal but in her pictures she looks like Christy, especially since the weight loss. Anyway, in the dream I helped myself to a snack in her kitchen (bright, sunny, a dreamcatcher and crystal hanging in the window) before getting to work. Woke up on the way down the basement stairs.

I had a dream about watching a Burt Reynolds film last night.

I woke up with a roach trying to crawl on my face!

I work up to see Joey Heatherton morph into my pillow.

I woke up and I was a newt.


i dreamed i was a member of the A-Team. But i didn’t tell my girlfriend as it seemed kinda childish.

I hope i dream that again tonight though :slight_smile:

A newt?!?!?!
I got better…

I dreamt I was making pancakes in a fondue pot with a bunch of past and present friends and some TV characters. The pancakes were tasty by malformed. Don’t think I should read too deeply into that… :dubious:

I dreamed I was making out with Edward Norton in front of my brother.

Ohhhhh ohhhhhh ohhhhhh **Edward Norton ** ohhhhh ohhh ohhhhh yeeeaaaaahhhhh!!!
My dream last night was that I woke up and went to work.
Then shortly after I arrived I sat at my desk and watched female co-worker pee in a stall shower.