Drinking out of the milk carton-yay or nay?

Well? What’s your take?
Does anyone else drink out of the milk carton?

Well, sure.

Of course, I live by myself, so no one is around to care.

(aside) Do you care, Jennie?

I didn’t think so.

Guilty… don’t tell hubby :wink:

Whenever the mood hits me, but I don’t do it regularly.

I’ll take your drinking out of the carton and raise you;
Since I’m divorced and the kids are definitely not going to complain, I take the milk when it’s about half gone and dump in some Nestle Quik and shake the bejesus out of it. THEN I drink out of it :smiley:

Kids: “c’mon dad, do the chocolate milk dance!”

easily amused Mike

hmmm, perhaps the one thing I’ll miss when I find a GF !

Ewwwwww, hey, think of all the millions of germs you just left on the lip of that carton and they are * multiplying * by the time you take that second drink!!

Headlines [possibly!] ** HUMAN FINALLY KILLED BY DRINKING FROM CARTON!! ** [news at eleven]

When we watched the second Terminator, there is a scene where the bad guy takes on the appearance of the wanted kid’s foster mom. S/he is cooking telling the kid over the phone that she is worried about him. The foster dad is griping about the dog barking AND he’s drinking from the carton of milk.

Badguy reaches out his arm, turning it into a sword, stabbing griping FosterPop right through the carton. My youngest son, Billy pipes up and said the VERY first time he saw the movie, he didn’t gasp, he just said very matter of factly, ‘see what can happen when you drink from the carton?’

I sure do. But I’m the only one using it, so I don’t think it matters.

Okay, go ahead and drink from ya’lls cartons, but I’m officially down as the warner of bad things,