Drumheller Alberta - worth a visit?

The Attackclan may be moving across Canada again, hopefully by plane. Ms. Attack is suggesting that we break up the trip by booking via Alberta and taking a day or more to dash out to Drumheller and see some dinosaur stuff.

I’ve already warned her that if we wind up in some sort of Robert-Sawyeresque time travel dinosaur hunt that it’s her fault.

Is it worth the effort? Any other suggestions of how to knit some interesting vacation time into a cross Canada move?

I thought it was fun! We went to the museum (very big - took almost 2 hours to go through) and then went out to Horseshoe Canyon and the HooDoos. If you have the time, I’d say go for it.

Of course, I’d also recommend Kananaskis and Banff areas, but I’m sure you already knew about those.

I second EmAnJ’s recommendation of the dinosaur museum. I’d never been to any sort of dinosaur exhibit and I found it to be magical. There is also a hole-in-the-wall burger and shake restaurant there that was completely awesome but the name escapes me. I’ve emailed my friend in Drumheller and hopefully she’ll get back to me shortly.

Banff/Lake Louise are completely lovely.

Awesome museum, I loved it ( and the surrounding badlands are kinda neat as well). However…

When I was through Drumheller many moons age, there were only two affordable places to stay for poor-ass college students. Both were inns above bars with live music playing. I argued for the country music bar, with its less aggressive bass and guitar shredding. But I was outvoted two to one and we ended up above the heavy metal bar.

Mistake. We slept very little that night ;). But this was back in…1987? 1988? Doubtless the situation has improved since.

The wife and kids went out on their ‘Dinosaur dig’ and thoroughly enjoyed it; you’re out there with a dental pick and whisk broom excavating fossils. That was 10 years ago - don’t know if they still do it.

In the area there is also a semi-famous golf course; Dinosaur Trails I think. The first nine were OK but the second nine was like something out of the Flintstones or one of those “World’s Most Difficult Golf Course” calendars. Narrow fairways with cliffs (literraly) instead of roughs, etc. Coyote and snake warnings, etc etc.

Drumheller has some real accommodation now, including a Ramada, Super 8, and a few others.

I’ve always enjoyed a day trip out there despite my memories of living there in the mod 1980’s.

There is more than just the Tyrell Museum to see, such as the coal mines, hoo doos, a suspension bridge, Horseshoe Canyon, and more! For the grown ups, there is also the Last Chance Saloon in Wayne.

Yep - I’ll chime in with everyone else. Drumheller is definitely worth a visit. The scenery on the way into town is really cool, and the museum is amazing.
How old are the kidlets?

We’re about due for a day trip out there again, too - another vote for, “Hell, yeah!” I love the Royal Tyrell Museum, and we usually stop and check out Horseshoe Canyon, too. We hiked down into it, one day, and I damned near got heat stroke - if you do decide to hike a little (and it’s a great hike), remember that the heat in there is extreme, with no air circulation. Dress lightly, wear your hats and sunscreen, and hydrate twice as much as you think you need.

Drumheller’s a great example of a small prairie city, too. I like to drive around in town a bit and check it out, too (especially the river bank areas).

The OP is really looking for informed opinions rather than the answer to a general question. So, moving this to IMHO.

sacmelm Moderator, GQ

Two fora for the price of one! Thanks,** samclem**.

**Attack Duuuude! **

You’re coming our way!

Third, fourth (n+1)th? the word on the Dino museum, it’s awesome! Also for the horseshoe canyon. Tell the little ones not to stick their hands in any holes there while scrambling up/down the fairly steep slopes, as there is a pretty good concentration of rattle snakes, I was told.

But more importantly, you want to meet up with some cowtown dopers while you’re here? You do have to go through Calgary to get to Drumheller (well, I suppose you could manage to get around it, but it would be work) We had some fun in the spykids thread. When are you thinking of coming over?

Yep - it’s well worth the trip. The Mr. and are are what you would consider ‘locals’ (we’re in Calgary) and we still go once or twice a year 'cus it’s cool.

The museum is really fab - regardless of your children’s ages (assuming they’re old enough to walk, or at least sit up in a stroller) they’ll love it.