Drunk man swims across Detroit River


Shouldn’t he also be busted for entering the United States illegally?

You’d have to be drunk to even want to get in the Detroit River.

I don’t know, seems kind of cool. The man had a dream and he lived it. Don’t know what kind of swimmer he is, but its not that far of a swim, about half a mile or so according go Google Maps.

Wait. He claims he made it, but was found swimming on the Canadian side having jumped in the water from Canada. I call bullshit. You hear that, Disneyman? Bullshit! :stuck_out_tongue:

The best part of the article:

I think she nailed it.

As someone who also went on a few inebriated swims across rivers and lakes back in the day, all I can say is “Way to go you, you… big dumbass.”

He should get a tetanus shot and tested for possible toxin contamination. I mean, seriously, the Detroit River is not a clean body of water.