DubDope1: The drawing of the few.

A Chairde,

This Weekend, Fretful Porpentine shall be in town.
The plan is to show her a good time for one of the nights this weekend.
Saturday night isnt too good for me, But Friday and Sunday are free.

Let us know what your suggestions are!!

Anybody?- Anybody?

Beuler? Beuler?
Yojimbo, Ruadh, im looking in your general direction…
Fretful Porpentine is a confirmed, we just need to organise when and where…

If you have it Saturday, we could coordinate a transatlantic Doperfest, as the NYC Doperfest will be kicking off 7:00 EST.

hey Swiddles,

Is your neck any better?

IF we had a transatlantic hookup, it would result in us having to try and find internet access at 12am… anyway… we’ll be too busy drinking!! I hope…

Yes, thank you, I am sucessfully able to turn my head to the left this morning, which is quite exciting, both for myself and for anyone who has the misfortune of driving next to me. I never realised how much checking my bindspot is dependant on turning my head.

From what I hear about the New York Dopers, I have a sneaking suspiscion we will be drinking early and often, as well. Someone has to take photographic evidence, remember.

come on Dubliners!! where are ya???

if we invite some of the irish to the NYC fest, does that count???

I’ve been thinking of doing this myself . Anytime , anywhere just make the call coz I hate making decisions .

Actually , I was in the Kingscourt Hotel last wkend (used to be the pierrot(sp?) club beside O’Connell Bridge . It’s a barn of a place and good craic was had by all .

Oh and it’s a late bar.
I’m going to be stuck in a lot of meetings tomorrow John but I’ll be finished about 3:30pm .
I’ll check in here periodically tomorrow .
As I said already just say where and how to recognise you .

I’ll be the big guy with a beard , glasses who looks very thirsty . :wink:

My mobile’s out of order do you have one ?

John, I answered your email, did you not get my reply?

Friday works for me (Sunday would be do-able, but not preferable). I’m open to suggestions for where … tho I am a bit partial to the northside (staggering distance home and all that :))

and I do have a mobile but I’m not posting the number here !!!

Northside’s cool for me . I’m in Clonsilla.

yojimbo, I think we’ve got a plan sorted, is that your real email address? it looks a bit, erm, strange …

email me and I’ll let you know where we’re at.

I’ve mailed you but just in case somebody wants to mail me (you never know) , yes it is my real address . Peter Paul Patrick Byrne , believe it or not pppbyrne was already taken .

Here’s the plan.
Cleerys tonight at 8pm.

Nora, Its on O’Connell Street, just up from the bridge. Just ask someone and they’ll show you.

I’m a young looking 20 yr old (which can cause problems in Dublin, especially where the bouncers are bollocks)
and here is a pic of me http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling/elgraplero/me.jpg

I’m on the left, with the Dyed red hair, which I dont have anymore. (the colour, not the hair!!)

There are plenty of good places to go, but the best of nights are always dicided on the spot



Thanks for the directions (should’ve checked this page before sending that e-mail). Sounds like I’m right in the neighborhood anyway.

Here’s a picture of me (I’m on the far left, and I have about eight inches less hair now – otherwise it’s a decent likeness).