DUDE - Have some manners....and morals

Low level rant, so don’t expect any of the fine vitriol I usually spew. For those who don’t know, I work in a university, with a cafeteria area, and this morning I was ready to kick someone in the nuts.

Dickhead, yes you, the dickhead who was getting coffee this morning.

Does not common sense tell you that, when the place runs out of the little cream things, you can ask the lady who works there and stood less than ten fucking feet from you that more is needed?

Does not common morality tell you that you shouldn’t open a milk from the cooler, that is sold separately, use some for your coffee, take a fucking sip and put it back? It’s theft, as you’ve discovered. Granted it’s not a huge theft. It’s not a bank robbery, nor a gas station hold up, and it doesn’t affect millions.

It does, however, affect me. It’s dill-holes like you who contribute to the fact that I have to pay $1.65 for a small coffee. During the recent debate over the cost of things in the cafeteria, the vendors pointed to theft as the leading cause of thier high prices.

And to top it all off, when the campus police arrived, what was your fucking excuse? Come on, see if you can say it with a straight face. There wasn’t any cream, and the milk is very expensive. No shit! There’s a circular fucking argument if ever there was one.

Thankfully, the very same woman who you were too fucking stupid to ask for cream saw you and called the campus cops. If she hadn’t, I would have reported it. You stood there and begged them not to press charges, worried that your recent acceptance to the law school here would be affected.

They declined to listen to your whining, and I say good for them. If you can’t resist the temptation of a single serving carton of milk, what will you do with a client’s trust account?


What a wanker!

You know, that little stunt, if performed at the university I attend, can get the offender expelled.

But, don’t you know? The customer’s always right!

Wow - you guy’s take milk seriously down there.

The coffee place located at the University that I work at/attend actually has both 2% and skim milk open, as well as cream available. The do have a small sign asking people not to open the chocolate milk for their coffee, but even if someone did, I can’t imagine they would do much other than grumble.

I presume the variety of dairy products available reflects the fact that I work at the Faculty of Medicine, and there are a number of health conscious, fat watching people around here.

Calling campus security seems pretty hard core!

The sipping part was gross, though.

Humm - I should have added that if there’s not a carton of skim or 2% already open, I always open a new one and leave it in the cooler.

Monty, you at UC Davis?

Ok I’ll bite, whats the big deal?

Someone can get expelled for opening a $1 dollar carton of milk???

Hmmm…I’m at a bit of a loss here. On one side, I’m glad this choad got nabbed. What type of fucking prick takes any item, eats a portion of it, and thinks it’s okay to put it back?
On the other hand, were the cops REALLY necessary for this situation? I mean, couldn’t the woman behind the counter have just said “Hey, you’re going to have to pay for that!” and made him pay? I’m sure the embarrassment of that would be enough to make him shell out the two bucks just so he could get the hell out of there and make him think twice before doing it again. Again, I’m glad he got nabbed, but I think an arrest or citation for something like that is a little bit of an overreaction. Make him pay for the damned thing, and I’m sure he won’t be back.

$1 or $1,000,000 it is still stealing.

Is the carton of milk the issue? I don’t think so. Responsibility and accountability for one’s own actions is the issue. Seems to me the guy has a pretty egocentric outlook on life. Took a sip from the carton and then put it back! WTF? Is the arrest an over reaction? Maybe, but I’m sure he won’t be charged with a felony, so he’ll probably just get a slap on the wrist. I doubt that it will effect his status at law school, however, he will have first hand knowledge of what fun it can be to deal with the judicial system.

Some people are way to uptight. What ever happened to minding one’s business.

Yes they are exactly the same. :rolleyes:

Calling the cops is ridiculous in that situation. As another Doper pointed out previously, someone should have pointed out what that asshole did right in front of him, and demanded he pay. Nice and simple. I didn’t catch that he took a sip, which takes it up a notch for me.

I don’t feel sorry for the guy. I know, calling the campus cops might seem like an over-reaction, but come on, he TOOK A SIP. This is what puts it over the top for me, the sheer assholery of the guy. I think it’s safe to assume that a guy who is this much of a self-centered prick while just getting coffee is probably a festering jizz-load in ALL aspects of life. He’s probably long overdue for an ass-kicking, and maybe some public embarrassment will be good for him.

BTW is anybody surprised that this guy is a law student?

Ya know Dio I was starting to become surprised when I read almost all the way through your post without seeing something offensive, but that last btw proves to me that %100 of your posts are %100 shit, %100 of the time.

World Eater, could you please explain your last post? what, I can’t make a joke about LAWYERS, for Christ’s sake?

thank you alice. I was feeling really down and sick today, and this line cracked my ASS UP.


Despite my best efforts, I find myself in the unenviable (and heretofore unimaginable) position of agreeing with something DtC said.

My self-loathing knows no bounds.

Joke my ass, try using a thinner brush next time.

Btw you should be happy you’re a cynic not a comedian.