"Dude, Where's My Car?" Is Oscar-Worthy Compared To This...

I think they passed that point at least ten years ago, Maureen.

And Hollywood equates to reality how?

How many offensive tackles are shaped like a Bartlett pear?

I think a fat suit was a fairly good choice. That way, you can cast whoever you want and still make them look like the character you’ve been handed.

Of course, the movie is a very, very bad choice, so it doesn’t really matter who they cast.

Yeah, was kinda hoping it was just a fad. I remember thinking “A Flintsones live action movie? This fad can’t possibly last.” :rolleyes: Sometimes I give the majority of film goers too much credit…

It’s not for lack of trying. Omar Benson Miller (pictured here in 8 Mile) reportedly landed the role two years ago.

Omar Benson Miller would have been a much better choice, looks-wise. Of course, he didn’t exactly stand out to me in 8 Mile, so I can’t say if his acting chops are up to snuff or not.

Don’t get me wrong, I was about as likely to check out this movie as I was of spontaneously growing breasts before, much less now.

Does anybody know if the guy with the lampshade is still intact?

You keep on believing that, Jeff. :smiley:

Hey, I said a chance! :wink:

I liked Dude, Where’s my Car

To give Cos’ a bit of credit though, he did make the talkshow circuit before the movie came out, and told people NOT to go see it.

However, I hold zero faith that this movie will be anywhere near the quality of even AvP.

… forba talkinba smackba 'boutba howba heba talksba!

<CRACK> <zing>

(ducks) :eek:

You mean ‘is he a virgin?’ Yeah, probably. I don’t think any woman would sleep with a guy wearing a lampshade.

Anybody check the director’s resume?
Here’s some of the things he’s directed
[li]Love Boat: The Next Wave[/li][li]Full House[/li][li]Step by Step[/li][li]Family Matters[/li][li]Joanie Loves Chachi[/li][li]Happy Days (No doubt the infamous shark jumping episode.)[/li][/ul]
Shows a lot of potential, if you ask me.

The live-action Mushmouth is sooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong…

No wonder young black kids keep looking up to gangsta rappers, if stuff like this is their only alternative for role-models. :wink:

Laaaaadieeeeeeesss and gentlemen, we have a new winner and champion in the category of “Crappiest Movie of the Millenium!” How, how, can that be? It’s a sequel!

I just want to throw my vote in for Fatal Bert.

I can see it now. Bert says to Ernie “I will not be ignored!”. Then later Ernie comes home and find a pot boiling over on the stove. He walks over and lifts the lid, inside is … a rubber ducky!
Ooh, the possibilities!

Jerry Paris is to blame for that one.

Hello, I’m FriarTed & I unashamedly admit to thoroughly enjoying Leonard Part 6.

I was a white fat kid & Fat Albert was a cartoon hero.

I fear this is gonna be such a festering load of crap, but I’m hoping to be surprised.

I think you may be surprised by what a festering load of crap it is…

Cosby himself was a writer so I’m not going to entirely write this off. Remember there have been a FEW good tv-to-movie conversions done like The Brady Bunch and… errr… The Brady Bunch sequel.

And quit dissing Baby Geniuses 2, it is starring SCOTT ‘Chachi’ BAIO, mmmmmmmmmmmm (not gay).