DWTS - Dancing With the Stars - Fall 2021

NBA guys usually look awkward in dance hold. They’re stooped down and their much shorter partner is on tippy toes.

They’ve had a bunch of them on dwts. Some were dealing with bad knees and hips from their careers on the court.

Iman Shumpert ABSOLUTELY deserves the win. He did stuff that no one else in the competition could even attempt. Why? Because his pro is the only one I think who is trained in Caberet/Showdance Ballroom which makes for seemless transitions in the choreography and just death defying lifts and tricks. But she said she’s only trained in ballroom not Jazz or Contemporary or HipHop which made her little hard hitting solo in the Freestyle just a really cool moment, demonstrating that she is also a student and can crush it in King Kemo and Imans world of Chi style footwork.

So Iman is King of the Ballroom. He’s like the NFL player Don Driver of the competition-Don never got the scores of the leaders.I’m season 14
but he had a week that pulled him into the spot light. It was the first season the show introduced Trios. His Jive brought the house down.

Similarly the Horror night brought out a twist on the over angst usual contemporaries and turned it on its head. This contemporary style is a keeper if it’s as creative as the US piece.

It just looks so much better on this show than Jazz. There are some pros crossed trained in Jazz but we had too much Jazz from JoJo. Yes she’s a decent dancer but Her legs weren’t right on the first Cha Cha she did of first night of the season and she didn’t clean it up at the end. Her Argentine Tango relied heavily on Jazz. And, since they are supposed to be gender neutral I would have liked to see at least one dance that she’s the follow. That way Jenna wouldn’t be pulling focus with JoJo constantly being the frame. After all this should be the expectation of a pro dancer. For reasons the show and JoJo’s new dance competition show know they really pushed the heck out of her story to get her to the finnish.

In the end the pros like Cheryl,Anna and Artem the more ballroom folks absolutely felt Melora had the best ballroom technique. She just couldn’t sell it the way show dancing can because it’s obvious Artem is limited in choreographing beyond ballroom. Daniella is the now the expert on wow factor because she had a celebrity partner who could be fearless with her and that’s what brings in the votes.’ Iman could not have won without her, but truly Daniella would not have won without Iman. He not only brought the fanbase he brought the intention and the extraordinary execution to win.

Again. Not upset about who won. Upset about who was second. I would’ve been fine with anyone else except Suni Lee in that spot.