Eamonn Fingleton saids that Japan's "lost decade" idea is a LIE! (perpetuated by Jews!)

How does one make sense of this?

:confused: Don’t see anything about Jews in that article.

…and the man has a point. There’s really no reason at all for the Japanese to proclaim that they have a robust, healthy economy, is there?

Moved MPSIMS --> Great Debates.

OP, can you kindly explain what Jews have to do with this, even peripherally? The article never mentions Jews or even hints at anything remotely connected. All the article seems to be arguing is that the Japanese recession isn’t as bad as advertised.

This OP is what doesn’t make any sense.

I think the OP is referring to information in the article from one William J. Holstein. Clearly he is confused, as this obviously proves the Cows are involved, not the Jews. (I recommend a visit to an eye doctor.)

Interesting article. Not sure what it has to do with jewish people (of whom I suspect there are very few in Japan perpetuating or otherwise).

I read another article recently on the same theme. Basically that Japan’s energy consumption didn’t really fit the story that their growth was stagnant. That article was a little more conspiratorial, suggesting that Japan was purposely understating growth to lull Westerners into a sense of security. But it along with this article make a decent case that the claimed troubles of the Japanese economy were overblown, though the OPs articles explanation for the misperception seem a lot more reasonable.

I heartily apologize, I was satirizing anti-semitism!

Since this started in MPSIMS, does not appear to have been intended as a debate, and is now explained as satire, I am going to close it.

If anyone wishes to actually post a debate on some aspect of the NYT article, a new thread on the topic will be permitted.

[ /Moderating ]