Eddie Van Halen - does he look even more distinguished today than 30 years ago?

He’s on the current cover of Billboard.

I immediately thought he looked so much more distinguished. Handsome even. :stuck_out_tongue: My wife said hubba hubba. :dubious: :wink: I won’t be inviting Eddie to my house for dinner anytime soon.

Guys often get more distinguished as the years go by.
Certainly in my case, many of my teenage photos are… unfortunate. I’d like to think I’ve improved (a little) with age.

There are before/after photos (of Eddie, not me :wink: ) in the article.

David Lee Roth went in the opposite direction. Heartthrob 30 years ago. Today? Nah. I get an old man vibe. imho

Eddie Van Halen is a hot mess, by pretty much every acccount I have heard from folks close to him. DLR is obviously no prize as a high-maintenance bandmate, but EVH matches him stroke for stroke.

EVH may look good, but I believe most of his teeth have been replaced and he had throat cancer and a hip replaced, all due to extreme alcoholism and incessant smoking. When I saw his interview with The Smithsonian, the first thing I thought was “Elvis '68” - famous comeback show where he was slimmed-down and leathered up and looked like a million bucks. EVH told great stories, and was a great interview, but having a small sense of what has been going on behind the scenes, it is a bit surreal.

Sammy Hagar is a strong rock voice delivering middle-brow rawk - kinda meh with glimpses of greatness - but he seems to be a plainspoken guy. His bio is a decent summary of EVH’s decline. There was also a famous column in an LA Daily about seeing EVH in a coffee shop at the height of his issues - a babbling mess with no teeth and straggly hair.

He is a unique talent and no one has influenced the guitar more than EVH, Les Paul and Leo Fender. But as a person? Oy.

He looks a lot less like a hobo these days, but that is as far as I am willing to go.

30 years ago? It’s like comparing apples and oranges. “Distinguished” isn’t an adjective applied to young men. Of course he looks more distinguished now. If you’d have asked if he were sexier then or sexier now, then you might get a number of opinions favoring one or the other. Looking “distinguished” is an older man’s game.

A more even handed comparison would be to compare how he looks today vs. how he looked fairly recently when he was quite a mess, seemingly on the edge of utter ruin. Comparing the Present Eddie to the Recent Past Eddie you’re looking at two men of roughly the same age and one of them comes off much better than the other- owing much to the fact that:

Chatter seems to suggest that he’s still pretty bad. I don’t know the personal details but the façade has been at least superficially repaired to a noticeable extent.

Has Eddie quit drinking?

In the top picture with Roth, my first thought about Eddie was “That reminds me of John Prine.” Not that I’d confuse them, just sort of a resemblance. With the magazine cover, I think Eddie looks like some truckers I’ve known. His expression says, “Don’t look at me cross-eyed, or I’ll fucking kill you.”

Not that I answered the OP’s question, really. Distinguished? Yeah, I guess so, in a Quint from Jaws sort of way, but not the college English professor wearing tweed way.

I didn’t vote. He’s attractive enough for an older guy but while he’s a guitar genius his personality is a complete turn-off. In the latest dust-up, he trashed Michael Anthony for pretty much no reason. Anthony took the high road and didn’t stoop to that.

Maybe I should thank Eddie. I was debating on buying concert tickets for July, but he made my decision.

He certainly looks much better now than he did in 2007.

:eek: Oh my,my I had no idea he ever was in that kind of shape. Didn’t even know he had booze and drug problems.

I’ve been out of the pop / rock music loop for too long. I have Bon Jovi’s old albums on my player and that’s about it. I haven’t bought any recent ones in fifteen years. He’s definitely looking better today than 2007.

What a shame. I hope he’s cleaned up his life now.

He looks great, considering that he was starting to appear in death pools a few years back.

Jimmy Page had a similar transformation - he looked terrible for a while, but looked great once he went silver and cleaned up a bit.

I thought this was a tasteless joke thread.

I’m pleased to see he is doing much better.

This has a picture of him from 1995, with the same style hair and beard:


I’d say it’s the beard.

He looks better, but still sounds like a complete and utter toolbag.

This pic had a hilarious Photoshop page on Fark. Too bad I lost the link. It made me howl with laughter.

I voted “other” because I don’t care one way or the other. I was never a VH fan and have paid no attention to them. But…

That 1995 pic is by far the best-looking of any I’ve ever seen, basically a textbook example of “cleans up well.”

Whereas the 2007 one looked literally horrific, as in horror movie monster. Would not want to encounter that… thing… in a dark alley. Makes me glad I hadn’t been paying attention. Would that it could be unseen. <shudder>

I think he looks best standing next to Valerie Bertinelli.

And yeah, he did have to have most of his teeth replaced after his surgery for cancer. He lost part of his tongue, and I don’t know how he speaks as well as he does.

I understand the fact that he’s still chain-smoking after the cancer debacle had a lot to do with his divorce from Bertinelli. They both used to smoke, but when he got cancer, it was a wake up call for her, and she quit; he refused even to cut down, all the while he’s being actually treated for freaking cancer. And they have a child still at home.

Yes, I know their marriage and break-up was more complicated than this one issue, but it was a contributing factor.

He certainly looks better than he did eight years ago. I won’t be inviting him over for dinner, either… mainly because he’s a gaping asshole.

Now, I have never regarded Michael Anthony as a great bassist, but if he’s REALLY as bad as Eddie Van Halen now claims… why’d he hire Anthony in the first place? And why didn’t he get somebody better in the SEVENTIES???

As it is, Van Halen is claiming he hired a terrible musician and kept him around for 35 years before getting around to replacing him? What sense does that make?

The story Sammy Hagar and Anthony himself tell is more believable: that Eddie is a controlling and highly vindictive guy who regards people as friends or as mortal enemies (no in-between). When Eddie fired Hagar as vocalist, he expected all other members of the band to shun Hagar too. Anthony liked Hagar, continued to socialize with him, and worked with him on side projects. Eddie took that as a personal affront and betrayal.

I’m inclined to believe Anthony’s account because, unlike Eddie, Mike hasn’t sunk to insults or personal criticisms. In fact, Mike has gone out of his way to say nice things about Wolfgang’s bass work.

His stylist has been doing a great job.

Geez, I made a bet to myself that this pick would be posted in the first 10 replies to the thread. I wasn’t disappointed. Yeah he looks like shit in that picture, but that’s not what he really looked like back then either. It’s a notoriously bad photo freezing him in time to that one moment. Much like getting a picture of someone in the middle of blinking while they’re talking. It makes them like a slack jawed yokel; but it doesn’t really look like what they look like on regular basis.