Hi I’m new here. I was wondering why doesn’t this board have an edit button? I’ve been on other boards with a similar format and along with the profile button there was an edit post button. To be honest, I need one! Sometimes the speed of my fingers exceeds my brain and I find grammar and punctuation errors; spelling errors; or I just want to go back and change my wording a little. Believe me it helps, me anyway.
Every once in a while we get the sort of posters who are not above changing their posts to make others look bad in the midst of heated debate. It’s a powerful tool in the hands of a consummate jerk, and only a minor nuissance for the law-abiding townfolk around here. Besides, this way we get to increase our post count every time we make a typo.
“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.” - Adam Smith
Is that true…you don’t have an edit button because some of the posters here are jerks? I guess it isn’t necessary, but I’ve got a feeling I’m going to get my chops busted quite a bit around here then for being stupid. Guess I’ll have to stop using my alpha hydroxies and grow a little thicker skin.
If you’re unsure of the spelling of an unfamiliar word you can include a (sp?) after it. Other than that, just look over what you post before submitting. People usually nitpick about grammar for one of a few reasons:
They are already convinced that you’re an idiot, and want to rub it in.
They are just picking on you in fun, assuming that you won’t take it personally.
The typos make your post amusing or confusing.
They want to show off.
They (we) are not generally fond of people who can’t be bothered to write posts in correct English. Those who try, but make the occasional foible along the way will get along fine.
If you’re talking about a button to edit before you post, like SpellCheck or something, I dunno.
If you’re talking about the ability to edit after you’ve posted, we’ve discussed it, and we’ve always rejected it. In some of our forums (like COMMENTS ON CECIL’S COLUMNS) it probably would be helpful. In other forums, like BBQ PIT, where people can get fairly emotional, we were concerned about people being able to change their wording after the fact, and so we decided not to enable the EDIT button.
There is a major “fix” intended in the future, that will allow you to “review” before posting, that should help people find typos and such.
While a few folks around here are a bit prickly where spelling and grammar are concerned, most people understand that all of us are a keystroke away from disaster and that accidents do happen.
We’ve never thrown anybody out for a typo, or even an error in fact. And while unremitting ignorance gets some attention, in most people it passes and is not a problem. Lurk a bit, read the FAQ, you’ll be fine.
Please don’t think you have to walk on eggshells around here, you don’t. Above all, this is supposed to be FUN.
your humble TubaDiva
The Straight Dope