Eenerms is pitted

Yeah, this could probably use a bump.

He got scholarly and attempted a cite, with incisive, 4D conclusions:

Sometimes you cant help but wonder, though - a “dumb” troll? But all these fucking years, though? (Quite the act, if so.)

I’d like to believe that one can actually be dumber than D’Anconia but he makes it difficult to do.

I guess it would make for an odd pissing contest, but I’ll go with eenerms being more astonishingly, breathtakingly (looking at you Rex Smith, not Berlin) stupid than D’Anny.

It’s like comparing smarts. When you get to the top, it’s hard to tell if one person is really smarter than another. And usually, they are intelligent in different ways that are not directly comparable.

Those two have the same problem on the other end of the spectrum. They’re both breathtakingly stupid but in sufficiently different ways that a direct comparison is impossible.

So, congratulations, I guess? They’re so far along the bell curve their idiocy cannot be adequately gauged.

EE is calling for an investigation into Cuomo in my “Cuomo is in trouble” thread. I’m sure if I looked, I’d find his calls for investigations into the many, many allegations of sexual harassment against Trump. Right? I would definitely find that in his posting history.

Hey, if there’s an actual basis to investigate Cuomo, let’s investigate Cuomo. But as there’s a very strong basis to investigate Trump, there’s no reason to let a Cuomo investigation delay or interfere with a Trump investigation.

He does seem to assume sometimes that everyone else is as rabidly tribal and hypocritical as he is.

Am I the only one who thinks eenerms is a woman?

D’Anconia is not stupid, he’s an Objectivist. Which means he has the world view of a ten-year old.

I thought that, but I can’t remember why.

The beginning of the enigmatic username is Renée backwards.

The Venn diagram of those overlap so much it’s hard to tell sometimes.

I am 99% certain that eenerms has identified as a woman in one or more threads.


eener ms

Ms. Renee

Based on his/her/its post about how reasonable it is to fear infertility as an effect of Covid-19 vaccination, it seems to be more a case of JAQing off than of stupidity, but we can’t rule out a multiplicity of factors.

I believe women are just as capable of being fucking idiots as men.

Well, not a straight man, anyway:


She says later she went to the hairdresser, so unlikely to be a gay male. A gay male would still go to a barber.

Earlier today I was YouTubing and on a whim clicked on a vid type I hadn’t ever seen: “Karens on tiktok”. I really wish I hadn’t.

The concentrated angry stupid demanding losers who happened to be mostly (but not entirely) female was horrific. For most of these people, society would instantly be improved after they took a bullet in the face. How in the hell did our society collapse this much this fast?

Karens have always been around and have always been this bad. The only thing that’s new is a platform giving them a worldwide audience.

When you lift a rock and see all the bugs crawling, it’s not like they weren’t there all along.

The difference being you can slam the rock back down and eliminate the bugs.

I went to a Libertarian private school. (I got better…)

The students worshipped Ayn Rand and “The Virtue of Selfishness”, and divided themselves up into Randian Objectivists, Randite Objectivists and Randists.

A common rallying cry was “Government is evil. Privatize everything, even the fire and police”. And competition is good for the free market, so if someone’s breaking into your house, you’ll remember the commercials for Poe’s Protect’n’Serve Po-Po, and their BOGO deal, and call them.

So, yeah, world view of a ten-year old about sums it up.