So reading up on a cite to a previous question I wrote. Apparently, illegal immigrants do not have to buy insurance and will not be penalized if they do not have insurance.
Many people are having their policies cancelled despite President Obama promising you could keep you plan in you wanted.
Perhaps this is better answered tomorrow when the exchange prices are coming out but it seems many people now are going to pay more for their coverage to cover the high risk pool.
Individual coverage is limited to 9.5% of your income but the price is unlimited for covering spouses and children - but you still need to cover them.
Estimates of those previously uninsured that will now have access to insurance has been cut in half by Sibilius. Mostly because the Medicaid mandate was ruled unconstitutional.
So starting tomorrow when exchange numbers come out and starting 1/1/14 when people need to pay out of pocket.
a) What will the reaction of average Americans be.
b) What impact will it have on 2014 midterms / 2016 presidential election
c) What impact on the repeal Obamacare or change ACA will there be?