After finishing all of the editing and stuff, I submitted the manuscript of my journey to some publishers. I got word back from one today, saying that they liked my work and would be interested in publishing it. They want to do some revisions, so I’m a bit concerned about it turning into something I don’t like, but all in all I’m on cloud 9.
No title yet, and ideas?
Congratulations! I don’t have any ideas, and you probably wouldn’t want mine, anyway. But that is so cool! I’m thrilled for you!
Most excellent eggo. You have confirmed every one of ours confidence in you and your superb attitude through all of this.
Let me know when the West coast booksigning is. I’ll be there with bells on!
I’ll keep you posted, though I think that a bit off in the distance.
ooo! maybe I’ll hitch to the signing…
For a title, how about:
My Journeys by eggo and Jack Batty.
I could use the royalties.
Kidding, of course. Congratulations, I am extremely envious.
Best of luck to you with it. Keep us posted on its progress.
Uhhh… what’s it about?
Wow! How excellent! Tell us when its out and the title and run out and buy it!
Congrats! How wonderful—wait’ll you get the first copy and do the Happy Dance around the office with it!
How about calling it “The Harry Potter Good-Sex Cookbook for Angel Lovers,” by Stephen King?
Here ya go, eggo:
“Life Threw a Hitch in My Get-Along” (too southern?)
“One Thumb Out”
“L.A. or Bust (or both)”
Congrats, and best of luck! I’ll be waiting on my autographed advance copy!
Congrats, eggo.
Legging it. by eggo.
And now I’m a Long John Silver impersonator. by eggo.
OMG, Congratulations! That’s great!
I don’t have any suggestions for a title, but I’ll be waiting to buy a copy!
Yay, eggo! Damn, that’s impressive. Congrats on the book deal, and just being able to maintain such a good outlook during this whole thing! Tell us when it comes out!
Attaboy, eggo!
That’s great news!
Expect the publisher to want to change the title.
They changed them for Hemingway and Faulkner, to the general disadvantage, but that’s the one power they insist on, so you can’t fight it.
One way to get past an editor is to “say yes but do no”.
Say, great, great, we’ll make the dog into a cat and the city into a suburb. Then don’t. Be sure to put in a couple of changes in the first chapter, so it looks reworked.
A lot of ideas (like the cat/dog) will be whims. The editor won’t really care, but will try to protect his turf if you balk. So don’t look like you’re balking. As revisions pass, you may be able to sneak things back in and blame old copies brought up in your word processor by mistake.
And in the end, know that editors edit. It’s what they do. Some of the words won’t be yours. One book of Joyce Carol Oates was so messed up by them she cried, but now no one remembers which one it was.
How about;
“My Travels With Peg”
“One Foot Off The Curb”
“Doing the Texas One Step”
::gets whacked on head with prosthesis::
But seriously folks,
“Back Road Diary”
::comes up grinning::
Congrats, eggo. I’m fairly new around here so I had to do a little hunting to figure out what you’re referring to in this thread. I must say, I’m amazed and impressed. I look forward to reading your book!
Congratulations, eggo! Can’t wait to read it. You will be signing copies for us, won’t you?
(Eve’s suggested title gets my vote.)
That “Left Behind” series is popular too. Might want to think about a ride on those coattails.
Shoot, the people who read those books would probably never guess that your journey wasn’t part of the Rapture.
Another Real Life Doper/Author? And a travel book, too! My reading list gets longer…