El gusto diablo!

I had tofu for dinner, just blanched to warm it up, with a sauce consisting of: 1 tablespoon rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon sweet rice wine, and 1 clove of garlic minced finely.

You want to mix the sauce up as far ahead of time as is practical. Then just dip cubes of warm, firm tofu in it. The tofu will soak up a little of the liquid, and few pieces of garlic will adhere. It’s excellent, simple fare.

And when you’re done, you’ve got this little dish of garlic relish.

I can’t resist eating it by the forkful. It’s sweet and it’s tangy, and the garlic is hot and sparkly on the tongue.

Yes, I’m well aware the I am eating raw garlic. And I cannot stop. Later this evening I will pay, and pay dearly, with tunderous belches, and, if I’m unlucky, heartburn.

And my poor sweet husband is going to pay, as my breath will wilt the houseplants and frighten the cat.

And yet, here I am, eating another forkful.

A girl who ain’t afraid to eat garlic is one sexy woman in my book!

If he divorces you over this, let me know, k?

tries to edge in in front of NoClueBoy