Elder Scrolls IV (Oblivion): Modding with Steam download

(NB: Yes, I know Oblivion is an old game and Skyrim is coming out in five months. Bear with me here.)

After my recent medical problems, I got doctor’s orders to relax a bit already. I decided to try to finally, once and for all, beat Oblivion before Skyrim came out. In the past I’ve gotten further and further into the game, then tired of it long enough to forget where I was in the game before deciding to start from scratch again. So I dug out my old Oblivion disc and put it in the drive…and found that the disc had been corrupted. Nothing saved it. Arrrgggh…time to go with Steam. But now I want to put my mods back into the game and I can’t remember how. More to the point I don’t know how to do it with a Steam download.

So, two questions:

  1. How do I mod a Steam download? Are there instructions available anywhere? Keep in mind that I’ve been suffering from migraine headaches for over two months, so try to explain it to me as if you’re explaining it to someone who’s been bashed repeatedly over the head with a rock, as that’s how I feel most of the time.

  2. What are your favored mods? Last time I played I was running OOO 1.2, but I know there are some other good ones out there. I tend towards mods that patch the game and clean up its problems rather than radically overhaul it, if that makes sense.

I asked the same question a couple of years ago.

Elder scrolls IV on Steam. Will mods work?

Yes. I bought Oblivion GOTY in a sale last year on steam. Ran several of the major mods on it using the script extender. They worked fine.

Unfortunatly that was on my old computer, this new one doesn’t have it installed so i can’t really walk you through it. Hopefully someone else will come along, it is definitely possible however.

Thanks. I’m going to give Oblivion Script Extender a shot tonight and go from there. My migraine has receded so my head doesn’t feel too much like coleslaw, so I will probably be able to figure it out.

I do remember it took me a bit of tweaking to work out exactly where the files should go etc, but it was reasonably straight forward.

I’m getting back into Oblivion now and I forgot what a really amazing game it is. As I started playing it again something died in my PC and I wound up throwing parts at it; power supply, RAM, then a motherboard. After all that the best I can determine is it was actually the DVI side of my monitor that died, along with possibly the motherboard. Now that things are working I haven’t gone to the trouble of putting the old motherboard back in to test it.

And if you get totally sick of Oblivion and all the mods there is a total conversion called Nehrim available. All new world, quests, etc. It’s a big download and takes basically a fresh install of Oblivion, but wow.

Got it working…thanks all. And if I finish before Skyrim launches I’ll definitely be checking out Nehrim.