Election Day [Week][Month[s]] [Year] 2020 follow-along thread

Newsmax – Trump’s new co-favorite, now that Fox has shown themselves to be unworthy of his love – ran an editorial recently, that proposed that Trump resign immediately and let Pence preside over the transition, including smiling and shaking hands on Inauguration Day. Pence gets the glory of being President #46 (and possibly a leg-up in 2024) while Trump avoids the humiliation of conceding defeat, and the nation gets a coherent and graceful transition.

Seems brilliant, if you start with the premise that Trump is a psychopath.

From the article:

A state court public records lawsuit filed in Las Vegas led a judge to set a Nov. 20 deadline for Clark County Registrar of Voters Joe Gloria to turn over to the Trump campaign and the state GOP the names, party affiliations, work schedules and job responsibilities of more than 300 people who were hired to count ballots.

Why did they request this information? What good will it do them? If more Democrats than Republicans were hired, they can claim that it’s fraud?

Sorry – I meant, is there a way to get the whole thing to show up in the post. But I should ask elsewhere so it doesn’t clutter up this thread.

Bring up the image on its own (e.g.- in Firefox, right-click and select “View Image”), then use that URL:

If it’s covered by public records laws, it would have to be released, but I sure hope they aren’t going to be harassing or digging up dirt on poll workers.

What will they do with it? They’re going to claim fraud no matter what they find.

ETA: Thanks @wolfpup!

No doubt that Speer was not what he claimed to be. My point was specifically regarding his intervention with the Gauleiters which stymied implementation of the Nero Decree. I don’t believe that modern reinterpretation of Speer has changed that. He was certainly much more evil and complicit than he claimed, but it still seems like in this case he finally did stand up to Hitler.


(They don’t even have the strength of their own convictions…cowards.)

If Pence is sworn in as 46th for a week or so, would that limit him to one 4-year term only in the future?

Nope because he served less than 2 years of Trump’s term. LBJ could’ve run again, he chose not to.

Thank you.

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once.

From the text of the 22nd amendment.


But how many times could be become president of the Marianas Trench?

Yup. Republicans are even talking about going back to their imaginary fiscal conservative ways. Once the Democrat is sworn in.

No, but it would, however, give him plenty of time to issue a blanket pardon to Trump and perhaps to other enablers as well.

Once, for 20 minutes. :wink:

That’s because Republicans are so mature in their world view and only concern themselves with the good of the country. In other words, why in the hell does Trump have a hold on so many of the minds of Americans? He was a terrible president.

Good reason not to pursue any pandemic relief right now. If they wait then they can pin the cost on the Biden administration instead of Trump. Why add more to the already bloated Trump debt carcass.

Trump’s campaign has been given a deadline of 5pm on Wednesday to file for a recount in Wisconsin. If he chooses to ask for a recount, his campaign must pay the projected cost of the process – $7.9 million – up front.

Meanwhile, in Georgia, the Republican secretary of state describes some of the pressure that Trump’s supporters have been placing on him: