Election Day [Week][Month[s]] [Year] 2020 follow-along thread

No way in hell Trump or his campaign pays that fee.

Ahhh… terrorism.

I understand from the Orange Peril that there are “good people on both sides”. This must have come from one of the “good people” on his side. It’s nice to be living in a free and fair democracy. Thanks Donnie, you really have Made America Great Again.


I’m positive he’d be happy to pay Wisconsin next Tuesday but not today.

If I was the Georgia Secretary of State I would respond to them that I need their requests in writing, signed and notarized before even considering their requests.

See how many go for that.

If he pays that sort of dough, I hope they give him the results in a nice frame, maybe with some gold embossing.

Accompanied by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of sad trombones.

If you flip it over, you can play it on a record player like those old cereal box promotions

I kind of hope he would, though. The only thing better than celebrating a Trump loss is celebrating it twice.


He’ll pay in two weeks.

That’s a very good idea. With a detailed description of what they are requesting and what evidence they have for requesting it.

Apologize if this has been posted before:

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :laughing:
This is why I hang out here!

It’s Wisconsin, so maybe it’ll be sad trombones from a genuine oom-pah band.

Gotta have a sad accordion too then. Preferably playing “Lady of Spain.”

That’s terrible news for the petulant man child. He’s not a big “Pay Up Front” kind of guy. I know, I know. He’s not a real big “Pay At All” kind of guy. Fuck you, Don The Con.

This seems the place.

Womp, womp.

I distrust a source unable to spell “bevy.”

The check, it is in the mail.