Election Day [Week][Month[s]] [Year] 2020 follow-along thread

Still WINNING! (Losing, really… but that’s WINNING in my book!)

I just heard an audio clip on the radio of Trump babbling: (and I paraphrase) “The 25th amendment is of no concern to me, but it will come back to haunt Joe Biden and the Biden Administration.”
I think that statement was the Orange Fuck’s official concession speech.

Well, if “haunt” means he will be doing it from the afterlife… I could get behind that.

Still, he may not be able to get through, as I understand the White House will be totally cleaned and disinfected before the Bidens take up residence. A few priests, barrels of holy water, rabbis, imans, shamans, bales of smudge sticks, and a woven chain of garlic heads surrounding the perimeter-- :+1:t4: everything should be good to go. Plus, I understand dogs can spot ghosts, so there’s that.

At the least they need to open every window and close the building for a few weeks.

For the legally naïve of us: are there any particular implications of “voluntary dismissal” other than “we can tell we’re not going to win this one so we’re stopping now”?

Probably more like, “The retainer is spent and hasn’t been replenished, and we don’t trust our client to pay us so we’re outta here.”

I’m glad he lived long enough to see what his money bought him. Maybe he thought it was worth it but hopefully it haunted him in his last hours.

If I were Biden, I might even stay at Blair House for the first week just to make sure the job was very thoroughly done.

Trump saying the 25th Amendment will come back to haunt Biden sounds to me like he’s yet again trying to get in a dig about Biden’s supposed senility or whatever the whole “Sleepy Joe” thing was about.

The right wing is convinced that Biden is just a Trojan Horse to get radical Harris into the White House. Loose talk of the 25th amendment will make that easier to accomplish, the theory goes.

I would ask that the bedroom in particular was stripped down to the studs and floorboards and then entirely rebuilt.

I thought it sounded like a straight up threat, although garbled…meaning that if Biden were to remove him via the 25th Amendment, he’d enact revenge and Biden would regret it.

Oh course, Biden wouldn’t be the one to remove him, but logical thought is not In the wheelhouse of Trump or his supporters.

One if the big theories on the remnants of right wing media is that “the Left” has been tricked into allowing 15,000 National Guard troops, who will turncoat at the last minute and vote for Trump, or something. But the neglected to notice that “the Right” is currently in power, which throws in wrench into their theory.

This could’ve been posted elsewhere -

He may not be up for the 25th but apparently he wants to hear the case against Trump (like he already doesn’t freaking know) before he makes a decision on impeachment.

It’s on. Donald J. Trump is the first prez to be impeached twice. Now it’s up to the Senate to nail him.

Trump now has double the number of impeachments of any other president. Winning!

hell, he has as many impeachments as every other president put together. One half of all US Presidential impeachments are against Donald Trump.

There’s been so much Winning™ lately that according to a CNN blog, quoting White House sources, Trump has mostly confined himself to the residence and is wallowing in self-pity, deprived even of the ability to rant on Twitter. His worst instincts are probably telling him to incite his followers to a new level of destructive rampage, but that didn’t work out so well for him last time, so he’s really in a pickle. For a normal person who wasn’t so abjectly stupid, this would be a moment of self-reflection and epiphany.

Am I the only one hearing this in the voice of Lina Lamont?

I’m imagining one of those Valentines Day cards little kids gave each other. Mine to Donnie says,”To A Real Peach”.

“Durian” would be better.