Election Day [Week][Month[s]] [Year] 2020 follow-along thread

You are going to be champagne-less for a looooong time.

You don’t think they’ll respect it?

No kidding. I’ve taking more xanax in the last four years than in my prior life (except for that one rocky relationship in the early 80s).

Just the opposite, I think he means, if you have to take a swig of your champers every day they respect their oaths.

Oh. I just meant that this time around the oath would be respected. I have a dog, and she doesn’t drink, but that’s the extent of life in my house, so once I have the polite toast, it’s me that gets the rest of the bottle.

We are obviously referring to different people. I was going after “Republicans will never respect Biden/Harris,” while you were going after “At least B/H will abide by their oaths.”

I think.

Anyway, L’Chaim!

Duhhhhhh… thanks

I also hope it goes against the prime tenant of the new Donald J Trump Maximum Security Federal Correctional Institute, though.

Me too.

He has always wanted federal buildings named after him so let’s oblige. The DJTrump Club Fed Very Unpleasant Triple-Bunked Maximum Security Dude Reform Ranch in the Most Forsaken Frozen Wilds of Wyoming or Idaho. Summers in the DJTrump Border Patrol Tent City in Nogales, Texas. Bunking with Teddie Cruz.

So what escalator are they going to go up?
Same one?
Whichever one, I’m sure it will be the best, the fastest, (or maybe the slowest - however he wants it), the baddest, horniest escalator ever.

Can we just go with “The Eighth Circle of Hell”? :japanese_ogre:

I was just listening to Crime of the Century (how apropos), and I thought that the Lyrics to Rudy were pretty spot-on:

Rudy’s on a train to nowhere, halfway down the line
He don’t want to get there, but he needs time
He ain’t sophisticated, nor well-educated
After all the hours he wasted, still he needs time


New Pew Poll has him all the way down to 29% approval.

Usual caveats about margins of error & possible outliers and such, but, yeah.

The best thing about that is if it continues to plummet (as I think it will, especially once he leaves Washington) it will make it easier for Republicans to ban him from future office.

I’d prefer to have Trump eligible to hold office – forcing a split in the GOP that will last for another 4 years.

Didn’t you learn your lesson from 2016? No more rooting for Trump!

I would love to see that escalator scene in reverse, with him and Melania going backward, up the escalator, to put a final period on his disastrous reign.

FiveThirtyEight’s tracking of his approval rating has dropped substantially over the past week. Pew’s 29% is the outlier right now, but the weighted average has declined to 38.1%, which is the lowest it’s been since late 2017. And, his disapproval rating is now at 58.0% (the highest it’s ever been).

He’ll continue to split the GOP by running proxies or condemning or endorsing different candidates even if he’s ineligible.

That’s assuming he stays relevant and influential. Which I doubt he will. All his massive free publicity has come from his schtick of being outrageous, and I think especially after Jan 6 that’s wearing rather thin. People have had just about enough. He certainly has a dedicated gang of cultists – certainly large enough to start riots – but not nearly large enough to constitute a real political movement as he becomes increasingly shunned by mainstream powers. At least I hope that’s true, and that I’m not once again underestimating the stupidity of the American voter.