I’ve heard a lot about the electoral college, but precious little about the actual mechanics of the vote. Like…
…is there a uniform type of ballot that electors vote with? Does it vary state to state? Are they hand-counted, or run through a machine? Or do they just write the name on a slip of paper?
How anonymous is it? Will we know the results of all of the electors votes on Dec. 18th?
CNN.com has already reported the results from the states that have finished voting. It’s an open process. George W. Bush is going to win.
As to the ballots, they vary from state to state, but the ones I’ve seen have a space for the elector to write in his/her choice for president and then a place to sign his/her name. It’s just a blank line. It’s not multiple choice.
Saw the Texas EC meeting in person today, and Alzarian is correct. From what I saw sitting in the balcony, the electors were just writing the name of their selection on a piece of paper, which they pulled out of an envelope full of stuff they’d each been given.
Each elector put the vote in a metal box with a slit in the top. The chairman then read out the votes one by one, and the secretary tallied them up. 32-zip for Dubya, naturally. :eek: The chair and secretary were themselves electors, chosen by the group at the beginning of the ceremony. The electors also chose a replacement elector for the one who wasn’t able to make it to the event.
And on behalf of the people of Texas, I apologize in advance for the next four years.
One elector for DC declined to vote for anybody for president as a form of protest. I’m not sure what she’s protesting, but I think it was DC’s lack of representation in the Congress.