Electric blanket + Urine?

It is cold on the east coast of the US nowadays, and Christmas is coming. Would an electric blanket be a safe gift for someone who wets the bed from time to time?

Electricity + water = bad, but I presume it is such an obvious danger that designs must protect against it. Right?

Second hit on google is to an old thread here where it was agreed that there’s no risk: Danger of Electric Blankets - Factual Questions - Straight Dope Message Board

I’d be more concerned about cleaning it afterward. Can you throw an electric blanket into the washing machine? I don’t think so.

Many electric blankets (such as the two that I own) are machine washable as long as you follow certain precautions.

“Manufacturer recommends unplugging blanket before putting it in washing machine.”

Seriously, though, the delicate cycle works fine for most electric blankets. One should check the particular blanket in question, of course, as there may be exceptions.

Thank you all.

Well, okay, but can you bag them separately?

This thread follows the “You know you’re getting older” thread.