Electrolyzed Disinfectant?

Wondering about this Grommet product: https://www.thegrommet.com/force-of-nature
I seem to recall a product like this making the rounds in the early 90’s. That one claimed to run electricity through tap water, turning it into hydrogen peroxide. This then was supposedly the ultimate cheap and effective cleaning solution for various housekeeping chores.

The Grommet version adds vinegar and salt to the zapped formula, resulting in a solution it claims is 8x better at killing germs than bleach.

Wikipedia says that vinegar and salt have nothing whatever to do with the electrolyzed water becomes an effective disinfectant, it’s the sodium chloride in municipal water that does the trick. But what about those of us with chloramines?

Does anybody know about this or similar products? Will this work reliably?

Well, it might work if they reversed the polarity of the Phosphorus atoms.

?? What is your quesiton about chloroamines ??

Presumably the vinegar (acetic acid) is included to get the ph balance right for efficient production. If the production is very efficient, you won’t get other items produced, and the level of chloroamines will be low.

But, are you looking for a solution that kills bacteria, but doesn’t damage cells? Because that is going to be a hard search.

If it’s the sodium chloride that’s necessary for the process, my question is, what will the result be if I’m electrolysing water and chloramine instead? Will the bond break?

You don’t have to have salt in your tap water – the product sells with salt you can add.

The chloroamine used in tap water in some places is fairly stable. In an acid solution like this, I think it is very stable (?? outside my area of skill). Since this process creates hypochlorous acid, the chloroamine is unlikely to break down in tho hypochlorous acid and (whatever).
I think the problem is sometimes the other way – the electrolysys process can create unwanted chloroamines if the reaction conditions aren’t right.

Thanks. So wouldn’t that mean if your municipality uses chloramine instead of straight chlorine, then elevtrolyzing the water would NOT produce a disinfectant?

Hypochlorous acid solutions are known as “bleach”; it’s a “make your own bleach” machine. You may want to take that into consideration. I’m not even getting into whether I’d expect it to work or how well.

This product electrolyzes water+salt+acid. You add the salt+acid tablet to the water, then turn on the power.

It doesn’t depend on chlorine or chloramine or anything pre-existing in the water. It (probalby) won’t have any effect on existing disinfectants in your water, but it (probably) is intended to generate higher disinfectant concentrations than what you have in your tap water, which will (probably) make your disinfected water more reactive in some way.

Bleach is a base, not an acid.

Sodium hypochlorite, normally. But the part that’s active is the hypochlorite anion, which is the same in the acid and in its salts.