Are electronic door locks for the home any good?
That’s it, that’s my question.
Electric strikes and electonic mag locks are effective as long as power is provided to the device. If the power is out for a long enough period, the battery backup will go dead and your locks will fail in the open position.
I install (maintain) those kind of locks at work. I’m replacing the circuit board in one (a maglock) tomorrow. That’s what got me to wondering about electronic locks for my entry doors at home. I could use the industrial type, but it would be a bit much, I think. They can be programmed to lock from the inside and unlock from the inside upon power loss.
I looked at some on the internet and it appears that they mount in the samr way as regular door locks. They are powered by internal batteries which last (they say) for about a year and have a warning light that comes on before the battery goes dead. And you can use a regular key if the electronics fail.
To tell the truth, I have no practical reason to use one. I’m just a gadget freak is all.
I have 'em. They’re just fine; I don’t care either way, really. We have a detached garage and it’s a bit of a pain to run into the house and get the key if we’re suddenly inclined to get something from the garage. After installing it, we decided it was the greatest thing we’ve ever done to improve the house, so we got them on the other (3) entry doors, one on the shed, and one into the sunporch. All the doors had different keys, now they all have slightly different codes. They all open with a key if there’s a problem.
The only thing that gets a but much is the sheer number of 6 digit codes I need to know, topped with the 10 or so codes I need at work. Hoever, this isn’t necessary - you get to program them yourself, so you can make them all the same, if you so desire.
I have one of these and it’s great! The batteries do last around a year, it was easy to install and it’s simple to use. I haven’t had a single problem with it in four years.
though it might help if you were a bit more specific in your question.
I really can’t think of anything more specific to add.
Follow SailedTheOceanBlue’s link for an example of what I’m asking about.