[NOTE: Unless you are, at the very least, a moderately interested player of computer and console video games that have hidden features or secrets, you’ll find this post confusing and boring. You still may even if you are.]
I’m a big console RPG fan. I’ve been making an effort to avoid strategy guides and FAQs while playing one of the latest titles (Shadow Hearts: From the New World), and mostly succeeded. I’ve made it to the last save point before the final boss and completed quite a few subquests.
However, there are certain features/subquests in the game that made it obvious to me that I was missing a relatively substantial amount (in terms of length, not necessarily quantity) of (optional) items and hidden dungeons, and I had little idea of how to find them. I’d visited and revisited locations with little success, and I was becoming a little frustrated, knowing that certain things and places were out there, but being unable to find them.
So I consulted an online FAQ, and found the location of two important items, which would give me the missing dungeons I knew had to exist. But I feel vaguely guilty about it, like I’m “cheating.” I also used the FAQ to confirm a suspicion (i.e. if I have a character with three “alternate forms” that each have four associated special items, and she gains a fourth “alternate form” and I only find two of the associated special items for it, that there must be two more out there that I simply haven’t found). This might not be a big deal, but for the fact that this affects which of two endings I get (which I also didn’t know until consulting the FAQ, which bugs me too).
It’s exascerbated by the fact that there’s a “New Game +” feature (enabling you to play the game over with many items and magic spells left over from your first runthrough) where I COULD have played through with additional knowledge (thus making my first time through “virginal”), but did not, because of my reluctance towards having to wait through another playthrough of the game to get to the end, where my missing features unfold.
So I ask you, fellow game players, what do you think of my use of it? Am I “right” to feel the way I do? How should I approach how I finish my game?
And, to throw out a general question, how do YOU use strategy guides and FAQs?