Electronic signature -- recommendations needed

I find that in order to apply online for a local commission I need to electronically sign the PDF file. I thought I could just put in a JPEG of my signature, but it wouldn’t accept it.

So there are a bazillion apps out there for electronic signatures. Any recommendations for a good one? Free is best, of course.

This isn’t sufficient?

When they say “electronically sign”, are they talking about a true electronic signature, or just an image pasted in a document? For a signature with actual legal standing, you probably need something more than just a pasted image (depending on laws in your jurisdiction). Do they give any more details of their requirements on the online application?

Whenever I’ve needed a “true electronic signature” as discussed by TroutMan, it has always been through a secure system maintained by the provider of the document. Such as for banking and real estate transactions.

For just pasting in a jpg, Adobe Reader DC does a good job, and it’s free. You click “Fill and Sign.”