Elephant Proof

I didn’t believe you were serious until I was about 3/4 done reading it. That’s the strangest thing I’ve ever heard.

Is the pool cover company going to stand behind their product, or are they really going to hide behind the “elephants have flat feet” defense?

Just out of curiosity, why didn’t you lift him out with The Blimp ? :smiley:
I have the feeling that this post will be enshrined next to The Blimp in short order.

You’re a better man than I am. I would have shot the cow and enjoyed a whole summer of burgers.

This is funny and all, but I didn’t read a single bit of evidence pointing towards an elephant being the culprit for these shenanigans! Just where is this “elephant proof”? :dubious:

Heck, you could drop a passel of bucket heaters into the pool and make beef stew.

[Samuel Jackson]

I want this motherfuckin’ cow out of this motherfuckin pool!

[/Samuel Jackson]

Excuse me, but how did the story end? Did the cow walk away? Was it shot? Is it undegoing some radical experimental life-extension process a-la Barbaro?

C’mon, out with it: How Now Drown Cow…?

Just for the record; in case you’re still considering relocation as a solution to your problems, I feel you ought to know that they also have some cows in India.

Yes, but in Asia and Africa they sell these as cow proof covers, and you only have to worry about getting an elephant in your pool.

I wonder what the cow was thinking – “gee, this seems a nice spot for a stroll”?

Sig line? Pleeeeease?! :slight_smile:

The cow, being from Pennslyvania, is obviously a huge fan of of local filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan and the cow was acting out the climatic scene from Unbreakable.

This is one of the most hilarious things ever and I forwarded it to my friends to read. I wish you would have gotten a picture or two.

Scylla, please take your stories and make each one a chapter in the world’s funniest book.

I dunno about that picture. That elephant looks incredibly small.

Yeah, that’s a baby elephant.
Probably doesn’t weight more than 2000 kilos or so.

So if your cow had been like this guy you’d have been OK?

Yeah, is the name of the cover The Baby Elephant Walk?

I should point out, of course, that the cover did exactly as advertised. They claimed that an elephant wouldn’t break through it, and in fact, no elephant did.

He’s so cute, playing with the ball.

Or gophers.

No way, man. Elephant tusks don’t begin to poke their way out of the mouth until the beast nears its third year. The one in that picture has a pretty good pair, so it’s almost certainly a full-grown elphnut.

Snowshoes would probably work better than galoshes, but yeah, I’d guess he would have not broken through had his weight not been concentrated on small hooves like that. Scylla, you have horses too, don’t you? You need to fence off that pool!
God, is there much in the world cuter than a baby elephant? Maybe a baby pig…