Ooh! I see there’s a new novel coming out by Elizabeth George–just when I swore I was going to eat peanut butter and Ichiban and extensively use the public library and internet for my entertainment needs in an effort to spend as little money as possible. (New car, alas, as I didn’t particularly want a new car, but the old one has died. Sniff.)
Anyway, WHAT CAME BEFORE HE SHOT HER is out. I am afraid that I will be running off to Bolen Books to grab a copy this week, budget be damned.
Anyone else a fan? I am. I’ve read, and re-read, the series several times now. Most mysteries don’t hold up to re-reading, but I find hers do. Lots of meat, lots of plot, lots of character development.
I can’t wait to find out what’s happened to Lynley, Havers, Simon, Deborah since, well, the awful thing happened to Helen. I hope we’re past spoilers on that one! But I did read With No One As Witness not knowing who was going to meet his or her end, which I’m glad of.