First of all, you are One. Clueless. Fuck. Why don’t you keep your humble opinions out of General Questions. Especially since they’re so stupid.
Second, libertarianism is opposition to initiated force and fraud. What the hell does that have to do with wacko “patriots”? Have you EVER seen someone wave a flag at a Libertarian Party convention? For that matter, have you ever seen a Libertarian Party convention? Our deepest “patriotism” is to a principle, not to a rag.
Third, many libertarians oppose gun ownership. They are pacifists who oppose force in any form, including initial and responsive force. But they are libertarian because they oppose the former.
Finally, only among White Nationalists and Creationists have I seen ignorance of your staggering magnitude. We are not right-wing. We are not left-wing. Right-wingers want to keep their hands on your zipper. Left-wingers want to keep their hands on your wallet. We want everybody to keep their hands to themselves.
I’d still like to know whether the correlation between autoerotic strangulation and right-wing politics is stronger than that between turning yourself blue and Libertarianism; it certainly seems that way.
Except, Lib that Elmwood is correct: that radio station (It was run by an ex-dentist…Norm Someone…Resnick?)…I have no idea why that factoid stuck with me) did self-describe himself as (IIRC…it’s been years) a “patriot right-wing libertarian” who was pro-militia. By “libertarian” he meant “anti-government”. Granted he wouldn’t know the non-coercion principle if it bit him on the ass, but the given that the Colorado Libertarian party is certifiably insane,in precisely the same way, he woulda fit right in.
You can debate whether he adheres to your philosophy or not (there’s not much of debate, though: he doesn’t), but unfortunately, anyone can claim to be a member of any party. Remember David Duke, Republican? or Lyndon LaRouche, Democrat? Well, now you have (had…the guy’s long gone as far as I can tell) Norm Resnick, right wing extremist pro-death penalty, pro-strong borders, pro strong military (but anti-government) Libertarian.
I think Elmwood’s post was kind of snotty in tone, but it was somewhat accurate.
So, Lib, being as your anger, rather than being aimed at the survivalist/“patriot” loonies in the Northwest who prominently self-describe as “Libertarians” and therefore give some people a false perception of libertarianism, is instead directed toward elmwood, whose post, while speculative (and completely in keeping with the context of the thread), contained no factual errors, then do you think it would be fair to rail at you as “One. Clueless. Fuck.”?
For the record, I don’t think you’re a clueless fuck, but using your own gage of clueless fuckery, apparently, YOU do.
We were driving through Colorado last week and I heard that very station. I woke my wife up so she could hear it as well and to check the map to make sure we hadn’t drifted into Idaho.
I’m sorry, Elmwood. I shouldn’t have blown a gasket.
But please understand that in order to join the Libertarian Party, you have to sign your name affirming the following statement: “I do not believe in or advocate the initiation of force as a means of achieving political or social goals.”
Most militia types are not likely willing to affirm such a thing, at least not honestly.
I don’t have any intent of getting into some sort of flame war. I’ll just say that …
Yes, the post was purely speculative. I said “I’m willing to bet.”
The militia-oriented radio station is KHNC, 1360 AM in Johnstown, Colorado. They actually have a Web site at As Fenris said, the radio station was purchased several years ago by Norm Resnick, who describes himself as a “patriot right-wing libertarian.” There’s a pretty good AP article online, describing the station. An old Web site for Harry Browne lists one of his campaign stops … one of Norm Resnick’s radio shows.
Dominant links on the radio station’s site are to natural health products. When I was living in Denver, I’d occasionally listen to the station for kicks. There were a lot of talk shows describing FDA conspiracy thoeries, and a lot of commercials for colloidal silver.
The card-carrying Libertarians I know aren’t gun-toting militia members who take collodial silver because it’s some miracle cure the FDA is trying to keep under wraps. However, I have heard … and I’ll admit I don’t have a cite … many of the militia-types describe themselves as “Libertatians,” more so than “Republican” or “Democrat” Granted, they’re on the far right, and not representative of the majority of Libertarians. Still … they’re out there. Every political group has its fringe.
That being said, I feel honored to be the subject of a flame in the Pit. I guess that means my “newbie” status has officially ended.
I understand your point about the fringe. And you have to make your own decisions. But for me, I would hesitate in General Questions to use phrases like “we have a bunch of Republicans and abortion clinic bombers…” or “we have a bunch of Democrats and PETA terrorists…”.
No biggie. I should have known better, or at least bveen a bit mroe careful in my wording.
In recent weeks, I’ve become a bit sensitive to generalizations about liberals from conservative pundits of the Ann Coulter/Rush Limbaugh school. Likewise, when I’m debating my conservative friends, I’m careful not to paint them with the broad strokes that many conservative pundits use; i.e. it’s not right to say " Republicans Nazis" to counter some talk show host’s use of “Liberal tree-hugger socialist-types.”