Elton John annoys the fuck out of me

Well, he has stopped touring… so he probably has no reason to visit your city. It is very likely that you will never meet him. I like a few of his songs, but I’ve never seen him play other than on clips on TV… and now that opportunity is gone.

Don’t get me wrong… I don’t think he’s going to burn his piano like Jerry Lee Lewis. There may even be days when he might walk into his sun parlor, sit down, and actually play a song. Maybe he’ll just miss the mathematics of sheet music or the rhythm of keys. Maybe sometimes singing will make him smile ( that can happen ). But, you’ll never be able to get a ticket to see him play ever again.

I won’t argue the point that he is way over the top… but I think that he does that to make himself happy.

Anyway, I’d like to wish him a happy retirement. I’m not sure that retirement and being flamboyant mix well, but I hope they do. I’m not wishing any sadness on him, in any event. I don’t think he deserves that after a lifetime of service doing his level best to try to entertain others.

Besides, you know what they say about ‘sad songs’…

Bono is a twit and I, too, can’t understand why he has the appeal he does. I call U2 “The Pretentious Wanklers”. However, I think their last good album was War. Success ruined them. :slight_smile:

As for Elton, I guess I don’t know enough about him, or what he does, or see his excess. I love his early, better songs. Still do.

And waste good Tpaper?

Add Russell Brand to the list.

Well there is that :joy:

Ah, now Bowie…

I can’t hear him without thinking “Laughing Gnome” : just his first cynical attempt to become famous.

I’m probably the only one annoyed by Tom Hanks. For a while he was in every other movie and you couldn’t escape his giant head and botched facial reconstruction smile.

I always knew there was somthing I liked about you, Beck.

My irrational dislike goes to Leonardo DiCaprio. I have a visceral dislike for him but I can’t figure it out. There are none of his actions that have been particular odious, and I’ve enjoyed his acting in every movie I’ve seen with him in, but I just somehow he gets to me. Maybe it was just the over-hype of Titanic which was a good move but not THAT good.

At least his show doesn’t feature obviously manufactured drama. Unlike, say, Zombie House Flipping – for which I’ve seen an episode summary on my cable guide mentioning a “practical joke gone wrong.”

Annoying Tom = Cruise. ISTM every part he has ever played is the same one he did in Risky Business. I know I’m not the only one with that impression; one of my friends feels the same way.

Don’t even get me STARTED about Fatty Arbuckle!

He’s as fake as a Mannequin in MACY’s window too.
So, can I add Jamie Kennedy and Jay Mohr?

Tom Cruise never annoyed me that much, I liked Jerry McGuire a lot. Now though, I can’t watch any of his movies without thinking about his Scientology video, which pretty much ruins him for me in any serious role.

Since we’re bashing Sir Elton, I recently heard Someone Saved My Life Tonight for the first time in a long time. That song is kind of vicious.

I was at the grocery store tonight and Bennie and the Jets came on. I thought of this thread.

I look at it as having a happy ending. The singer is trapped in a loveless relationship with someone who is only taking advantage of him. He really is a “pawn outplayed by a dominating queen.” But somebody made him realize that, and now he’s getting out of the relationship. The dominating queen may not like it, but he’s happy to be rid of her: “I’m sleeping with myself tonight/Saved in time; thank God my music’s still alive.”

Obviously the marriage would have been an unhappy one, but did he have to immortalize his fiancé in song as a moneygrubbing golddigger? This when she was the one working and paying the rent on their house while Elton and Bernie chased their careers in music?

They could have written the same song without the vitriol. It makes me wonder if Bernie really hated her.

Will Ferrell. Just can’t stand that man/boy/elf mug.

I used to have an Irrational Hate List. LdC was number one on my list. The beauty of an IHL is that it’s irrational. You don’t have to have a reason to hate/dislike the person.

I don’t have a problem with either of them, but both Elton John and Rod Stewart both suffered by not pulling the typical rock star move and dying young at the height at their career.

I mean I don’t think either them deserve to die or seem particularly awful people (yeah Elton John can be a diva, but he’s quite self aware of that fact, in a way plenty of other more serious stars are not) and they have gone on to fulfilling lives and families in the intervening decades.

But in terms of their reputation in the 1970s they were considered serious rock acts, mentioned along side the likes of Led Zeppelin and Marc Bolan. But they have they live long enough to become parodies of themselves, rather than serious musicians.