Email notification - please strip out spoiler-tagged text

Just a request - when we get email notifications of a post can anything that has a spoiler tag be stripped out? There’s absolutely no way to tell in the email if certain text was supposed to be spoilered or not.

Yeah, yeah, don’t read the emails then, you say. But sometimes it’s easier to follow a thread this way.

Anyway, I can’t imagine it would be that hard to code, you must be doing some parsing anyway to get the email out as is. All you’d have to do is to parse for the spoiler tag.

If it’s not available in vanilla vB, chances are it’s not going to be available to you; all system hacks go away in an upgrade, which is why we have so few of them.

your humble TubaDiva

You know, you really shoulda put your response in a spoiler tag :slight_smile:

Thanks for response