Emails from dead man’s account helping family and friends find closure

Actually, it’s freaking them out

How come Ghost Hunters never records ghosts complaining about how messy the place they’re haunting is?

How bad is your attic that your friends are coming back from the dead to complain about it?

The last line of the article is a kicker:

I have to prepare my online identity for after I’m dead? How come nobody told me about this?

This one cracked me up.
Fortunately, email didn’t exist when my grandmother, (who raised me) passed away. Or else, I would get hell for the state of my appartment.

Theory - the dead man is the prankster. He knew he was dying so enlisted the help of a friend to send pre-prepared emails at random dates after his death.

Which is a fucking spooky thing to do in itself.

Either that or one of the recipients is doing it. I suspect the guy with the broken ankle.

Shame they haven’t investigated further - I’ve always wanted to know the IP address of the Great Beyond.

You should set up your Facespook account now! (Did anyone else hear a groan?)

Sheesh, another damned thing to worry about…

I’ve been sending (brain) dead emails and posts for years so people I know aren’t even remotely surprised about this story.

Sadly, the email account of a friend who passed September 2010 has been used by a hacker selling various dick drugs; I get one or two a month. Sick to think my friend’s mom gets them, too.

A few years ago when a coworker died in a motorcycle accident, the HR guy had to go into his work email account and let people know he’d passed away.

One of the emails was a personal one that said “I haven’t heard from you in ages. Have you died?”

The HR person, who was a man of very little brain, sent a reply saying that the coworker had indeed died from the deceased coworker’s own email account.

Read the comments section, they’re HILARIOUS!

I especially like the guy who asked if his grandma would be able to email since she died before email existed. Like, do ghosts get some kind of afterlife technology training to help them better communicate with their descendents?

Have no fear, Steve Jobs is here!!

Don’t get me started. Steve Jobs keeps trying to sell me Viagra and penis enhancers from beyond the grave, and dammit, I just wish he would stop already!

I have a friend who died a couple of months ago. His email account was hacked and I was getting three or four “click this link” spams sent from his account every week. I finally decided to just block the account. It kind of pissed me off.

I don’t even think he would need the help of a friend, my e-mail account lets me write e-mails and specify that they be sent at a selected time in the future.

No, it requires a sue-ance.

It’s also painfully easy to spoof an email address. Someone who knew the deceased but didn’t have access to their email could be sending these as a ‘joke’.

My bet’s on an outsider. Sure, you can set stuff up, but unless you know exactly when you’re going to die, well…

The only thing I can think of, even regarding using a professional setup, is to have things set up that go out after XXX amount of time has passed when you haven’t logged in.

Which could be a lot of fun during the week your computer shits the bed. :stuck_out_tongue: