Embarrassing Things You Can't Admit IRL

Let’s see…

I always check what I wipe up before I throw it in the toilet. I always think I’m bleeding down there for no reason. And yes, I look in the bowl before I flush as well.

I pick my nose all the time. I agree with OpalCat, it’s the only way to get those stubborn crusty boogers out.

I ususally start singing or humming 80’s songs for no reasons at any time; dinner table, in church, anywhere. Sorry, but I <font face=“Symbol”>©</font> songs from the 80’s.

I also <font face=“Symbol”>©</font> watching wrestling. It’s more entertaining than some of the crap the networks put out.

I can beat any Nintendo game in a week. Some consider this good, I consider that sad.

I never wash my socks unless the bottom is almost black with dirt. C’mon, why are you going to wash it if you only wore them for 15 minutes?

I do the same for my underwear.

I shave my pubic hair.

Okay, I think I said enough.

Smile, it makes people wonder what you are thinking.
Fun with HTML (tutoral)
Give someone an F.U.

I’m never opening this thread again.

“Love given when it is inconvenient is the greatest love of all. Kindnesses that are shared at a high cost to oneself are the most dear.”

Don’t know who said it, but I like it.


Wait till I tell all the web dweebs over in Yahoo!!! (kidding) Good to see you!!!

Hey okay, we all have quirky habits, I have them too but why bore you with the details?

Okay, okay you talked me into it.

I turn up the music loud (John Mellencamp is my favorite) while drinking my Molson Ice and dance around the house like a loon in heat.

I talk to myself in the car disguising it as singing when actually I am having a conversation with myself. I figure, if you can’t have a good conversation with yourself who can you have a good conversation with?

Frequently go a day or two without a shower and blame the pony tail on a bad hair day. Of course, lot’s of artificial scent is in order.

Burp and fart, yet somehow when I am dating a guy I fear the morning after sleeping at his house and end up feeling like a bloated whale that’s been washed ashore. The rush out the door isn’t because I am ashamed, it’s because I have to fart real bad. Then get in the car and let er rip. aaaaaaaahhhhh

Watch TGIF, Beverly Hills 90210 and other such shows that are meant for younger audiences (I am 31.)

I have more but hey, there are somethings that should remain private (ha)

I guess she doesn’t like 80’s music.

Oh, surely there’s a polite way to put this?

I won’t… um… “use the stall” in the men’s room, if the room itself is otherwise occupied. I’ll go up or down a flight or two (or three, or…) until I find one that’s empty. There’s just something about the potential for subjecting others to… well… unwelcomed sounds or smells…


Life is a tapestry.
Each new day brings with it the opportunity to sew by
word and deed within the heart of someone around us.
Let us choose our colors with care.

I went to a BeeGees concert…twice!

techchick68!!! Hey there, what a small, small world wide web it is hehehe.

Ok, I won’t poop in a public restroom AT ALL if I can possibly avoid it, and NEVER EVER if there is anyone else in the room or likely to come in. I won’t do it at someone else’s house either. I’m terrified someone will hear me. Or smell me. Or whatever. Then I just know they’ll be standing there when I come out, with a bunch of their friends, pointing at me and saying “hahaha! We know what you did in there! You should be ashamed of yourself! Freak! loser! hahaha!” or something.

Not like this is an issue with me or anything, though… uh…

Um… I’ll just be over here by myself now…

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site: http://opalcat.com
The Teeming Millions Homepage: fathom.org/teemingmillions

Opal - ME TOO!!!

I understand that there are times when a person HAS to go, but I think it is rude for people to waltze into a public restroom just to stink the place up (in a non-emergency case) when they can hold it until they go home.

If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.

I am the SAME WAY! I cant poop at anyones house…what if, just what if…I clogged up the toilet? Or left a skid mark in the bowl, and couldnt find a brush or something?

When I go away from home on trips or overnight, I just dont poop at all. And I pee in the shower too, and in the water at the beach. Cant help it.

And like you opal…I am a zit popping fiend! I pick my mate all over like a freaking monkey looking for fleas!

I can barely wait till my boys get acne!

What do I do that would be embarrassing if people knew?

When I’m alone I make noises to myself like a severely retarded person.

When I was thirteen I made an extremely ill-considered pass at my sister. Ever since she’s considered me dirt.

My browser is bookmarked with a dozen sites featuring porn texts on the subject of hypnosis and mind control.

Diane, Opal, kelli - Add an other one to the list. I’m the exact same way.

I would say it’s a “chick” thing, but there was this woman in my old department who used to have NO PROBLEM with it…and I’ll leave it at that.

I have found my sisters! Non-public-poopers unite! I would rather die than have someone hear me make a sound. I’ll never forget the time when I was in the restroom at work (lots of stalls), and two women were having a conversation. One was in a stall, one was fixing her makeup at the sink. The one in the stall was making all kinds of horrible fart and poop sounds. I was gagging, and her friend didn’t even flinch. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?

I will take a dump in a public restroom, even an occupied one… but I won’t exit the stall until I hear the last person leave.

I’m also a TP checker (wow, the older I get, the more paranoid I get, and I was starting to wonder if I was the only one–it is pretty gross, afterall)

Umm… I’m not willing to admit to anything else until I see someone else admit to it too.

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

I swear, I’m not hijacking this thread, but I must comment:
First, I used to be a NEVER poop in public girl. Since I had my back surgery, a side effect that they didn’t mention, I am no longer able to “hold it” indefinately. Or for more then about 3 minutes once the urge strikes. So to everyone who’s ever had to deal with my public poop, I apologize. (Does it redeem me at all that I do courtesy flush?)
Second, my closest friend had dinner at her NEW boyfriends house- met his parents, the whole bit. You guessed it- she plugged the toilet (she just couldn’t wait). To make matters worse, there was no plunger in the bathroom and she was forced to go tell them what happened. Then they had to drive to Wal-Mart (about 20 miles away) to get a plunger. Oh, the humanity!!!

Some mornings it just doesn’t seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps.

Zette, do tell. Is he STILL her boyfriend???

Ahem. Lumpy said:

" When I was thirteen I made an extremely ill-considered pass at my sister. Ever since she’s considered me dirt. "

W… T… FFFF ???
Lumpy, you seem to construct your sentences rather well, so I’m convinced you’re not a chimpanzee or another life form well known for incest. If this is no joke, your sister is absolutely right in considering you dirt. There are certain limits to what one can do, you know. Did you get any psychological help for this shit ? Please tell me I’m a dumb European shithead that misinterpreted your post !!


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

I think you understood that sentence correctly, Coldfire.
But hey, let’s not judge anybody, all right? We’re all stupid when we’re young; if we’re lucky, we grow out of it.

Laugh hard; it’s a long way to the bank.

I think you understood that sentence correctly, Coldfire.
But hey, let’s not judge anybody, all right? We’re all stupid when we’re young; if we’re lucky, we grow out of it.

Laugh hard; it’s a long way to the bank.

So far, I’m not judging. It mainly depends on his answer whether I judge him or not.

Granted we do stupid things when we’re young, but then I’m thinking more along the lines of shoplifting for candy or, I dunno, stealing you dad’s car or something. Not something of this magnitude.

I just hope it’s a joke, that’s all. And if it isn’t, I sure as hell reserve the right to be VERY opinionated about someone who would do such a thing.

But, so far, no judgement here. Utter amazement, yes. Judgement, no.


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

As I said in another thread, I know several people who “played doctor” or otherwise had mild sexual contact with siblings during or before adolescence. It isn’t that uncommon, and I don’t think it is indicative of anything wrong with anyone. If it had occurred several years later, that might be cause for alarm.

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site: http://opalcat.com
The Teeming Millions Homepage: fathom.org/teemingmillions