Emmy Awards Show, 2009

Ah, yes, Anna Torv. She’s the main reason that Fringe is one of my favorite show these days. I think they need an episode where Olivia Dunham has to go to a formal event. More Anna in evening gowns, yes please, I want more…

I’m glad Bryan Cranston won. He does such a spectacular job. IIRC, he never won for Malcom in the Middle? So this sorta makes up for it.

To be exact, not all of what Hodgman said was made up; Chenowith is from Oklahoma, for example. But that’s what’s usual with Hodgman.

Saw Ricky Gervais’ bit on YouTube. Why isn’t he hosting an award show? Has he ever? Golden Globes, maybe? He’s hysterical.

Everybody’s disappointed that Jon Cryer won over NPH. I don’t get it either, except that 2.5 Men has been on for five-six years, it always wins its time slot, it’s usually in the top ten shows for ratings, and he aces the role, especially the physical comedy. His outfit was some kind of statement, not sure what. A sweater vest under a tux?

I wonder how long it will be before Sheen and Cryer get the joke/jibe about shortening the theme song to “Meh”. I’m gonna Tivo tonight’s episode, see if Lorre mentions the Emmys in the vanity card.

I like how they brought up David Boreanez with that guy from True Blood. Those of us who got it, got it.

Yeah, you could argue that his getting repeatedly passed over for Malcolm* was fairly criminal, so I think his first win had a strong make-up component to it. But a second one? I’m not familiar with the series at all, but I’m assuming he really does deliver the goods (especially since he’s not a coattail winner, since BB barely gets any Emmy love outside of him).

*It should be noted all of Cranston’s losses were to repeat winners Brad Garrett and Jeremy Piven. Given that Jane Kaczmarek lost twice as many times for Malcolm, all she needs is half-an-excuse and she’ll be well-situated for some make-up love herself.

You mean that they’ve both played vampires?

More than that, they both play dark, brooding vampires romantically linked to the spunky heroine and opposing a blond vampire rival. (IOW, Bill is to Angel as Sookie is to Buffy as Eric is to Spike.)

[spoiler]I’ve also heard that Bill has going to turn evil and/or reveal a very evil past, a la Angel/Angelus, and Eric and Sookie are going to be paired up, but I don’t know how reliable that is.

I’ve only watched two episodes because my friend made me, honest![/spoiler]

Yep, but you can see it here.

Dr. Horrible interrupts the Emmy’s

Actually, one of the more boring Emmy Awards show in years.

And was it my imagination, but during the beginning they cut to a backstage scene of NPH talking to his writers (?) and he was obviously really pissed off about something and you could see him storm off.

Luckily, I was smart enough to tape an extra 15 minutes past the show, otherwise I would not have seen Mad Men win again.

Jessica Lange looked like warmed over death…is she ill? Or was it just really bad plastic surgery?

This was a recurring bit in the little bumpers (another one portrayed NPH drinking excessively).

It was almost impossible for me to watch her speech because she looked so bad. I think it’s bad plastic surgery, and since it’s been so long since she’s been in something I’ve seen, I had no idea that she looked so terrible.

One other thing I must reluctantly admit about the show: it was the first time I ever laughed at Jimmy Fallon. I thought the autotune injury gag was pretty funny.

Jessica Lange is 60 – I thought she looked fine for a 60-year-old who probably gets too much sun and doesn’t spend a lot of time in spas having facials and working out. Looks like she might have had an eyelift. She seems fragile, but I think that’s because I always think of her Frances Farmer role when I see her.

I believe that was a running gag throughout the show - they cut to NPH backstage, and he’s arguing with someone, or drinking too much, or doing something that you wouldn’t want televised.