ENTERPRISE 10/29/03: The Shipment




Thatnks, Viva!


Now that’s sig-worthy!
Yer welcome!
All Aes ever gets from me is videotape.

To His Utmost Highness Land Baron Tars Tarkas:
Will you be able to catch the rerun on the weekend? If not, viva gots two VCRs.

I never realized that I had options other than Trek and Jake…

I have no more Goo. But I do have additional Talosians.

Orion Slave Girl viva, eh? I’ll take one or two. :smiley:

No slave goils here. We’ll see about some goofy cheap plastic things, however. Nothing but the best for my associates.

You got implants? :dubious:



Dammit, Jim. Let’s try that again…

P.S. I miss Kn*ckers.

Who doesn’t?

Did they not get enough protein the first time around?



Damn, too bad it’s in QuickTime. It would take me forever to download, and then I’d have to restart it with the little button about 500 times to see the whole thing.

I watched about ten minutes of it.

It was … interesting.

I watched the teaser for a minute because I got tired of watching the QuickTime stop and then I would have to drag it back and go through it again. Didn’t look too bad, though I wonder if it’s legal.

I watched the teaser and part of the first act. I was also wondering about the legality of the whole thing (I looked around the site a little to see if they commented about Paramount and their official response to it, but I couldn’t find anything). Their sets and props seem to be surprisingly well done. But what I want to know is who thought that the horrendous accent that the Andorian uses was a good idea.

Viva, if you really want to see it, instead of dragging it back, push the pause button and let it finish loading, then hit play.

If you only watched the teaser, you missed the best part! Near the end of Act One, the crew is attacked by a giant purple lizard. That’s right… Andor has feral Barneys.

I couldn’t stop laughing.

The site will tell you how they made the various props and the monsters.

Note: Once Barney becomes more ingrained into our society, its true feral nature will also be revealed. :slight_smile:

I seem to recall, back in the deep dark recesses of the remainder of my brain, a .wav file that was going around a few years ago of Barney vs. Star Trek. If I remember correctly, phasers had no effect on the monster.

One of my favorite “Foxtrot” strips was the one where Jason, having recently seen Jurassic Park, sent a letter to PBS stating that he had reached the conclusion that “Barney should be eating those kids.”